• 2012-11-15

    北京一药厂现寻求以下类别新药项目合作,可为委托/合作开发、受让技术或批件、全国总代理等形式: 1、中药 1类、5类,6类 和8类,或按照其他分类标准但持有新药证书的品种; 2、化药 1、2、3、4类,持有或可获得新药证书的5类品种; 3、整体受让持有新药证书的药品生产企业 、研究机构; 4、已获临床批件,生产批件品种,已申报审评过程中品种,已完成或即将完成临床前研究品种、正在进行临床研究的品种。

  • 2012-10-17

    摘要: 这项任务是寻找一种新的配方,合成除虫菊酯缓释制剂。 要求改变其生物活性化合物的挥发,使其的生物活性超过一年。这项配方必须要有足够的稳定性,即使是在热带环境中放几年也不受影响。并且所得的制剂在跟水稀释后能喷洒或涂刷在表面。要求这个配方必须使用常用的材料和国家最先进的制造工艺,并且对人体和环境是安全的。 这项任务需要提交一份详细的书面报告。 具体要求: Sustained Release Formulation for Synthetic Pyrethroids TAGS: Food/Agriculture, Chemistry, Physical Sciences, Theoretical-IP Transfer AWARD: $25,000 USD | DEADLINE: 12/16/12 | ACTIVE SOLVERS: 10 | POSTED: 10/16/12 The Seeker is looking for a novel formulation that modifies the volatility of a biologically active compound to give a product with activity of more than one year. The formulation should be stable for several years of storage even under tropical conditions. The resulting formulation should be able to be applied by spraying or by brushing etc. after dilution with water on many surfaces. The Seeker requires that the formulation technique must use commonly available materials and state of the art manufacturing process, as well as be safe for humans and the environment. This Challenge requires only a written proposal. Sustained Release Formulation for Synthetic Pyrethroids Detailed Description & Requirements INTRODUCTION The Seeker is keenly interested in finding a “new and novel” approach to formulation that will stabilize a volatile synthetic bioactive, for a full year after application via sprayed or brushed-on use scenarios, yet protected from its typical routes of decomposition. The formulation must be considered safe for humans and the environment, and it must be cost-effective to manufacture from commodity-type materials using state-of-the-art manufacturing processes. DETAILS OF COMPOUND TO BE FORMULATED The active the seeker is interested in belongs to the chemical class of synthetic pyrethroids (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pyrethrin). It has a molecular weight of approx. 400, a vapor pressure of about 1mPa at 25°C, a very poor solubility in water but high in non-polar media. Types of Pyrethroids the Solver can search for background information Allethrin Bifenthrin Cyfluthrin Cypermethrin Cyphenothrin Deltamethrin Esfenvalerate Etofenprox Fenpropathrin Fenvalerate Flucythrinate Imiprothrin lambda-Cyhalothrin Metofluthrin Permethrin, dichlorovinyl derivative of pyrethrin Prallethrin Resmethrin Silafluofen Sumithrin tau-Fluvalinate Tefluthrin Tetramethrin Tralomethrin Transfluthrin ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS The product should be applied by spraying or brushing from aqueous solutions or dispersions on different surface types and should be available for uptake by insects and other arthropods during the entire period of performance. The Solvers should understand that the Seeker is in the business of chemical formulation and is not seeking a detailed literature review of the existing technologies for formulation of pyrethroid chemistries. What the Seeker is looking for is an application of an orthogonal approach or a method that is not standard or used in the industry. Out-of-the-box thinking and applications are sought with both human safety and the environment health kept in mind. Technical Requirements for Theoretical Solution No original data or experiments need to be performed in order to qualify for the award but the solution should address the following Technical Requirements. Stability Prior to Application - The proposed new or novel formulation must be chemically and physically stable for several years on the shelf before application. Percentage of Active - The proposed new or novel formulation must contain between 5 and 1 % of the active ingredient. Water-Mixing Considerations Particle Size - Upon diluting the original formulation to 1% in water, all particle sizes should be less than 20 micrometers. Final formulation particle size must not be in the nanometer size range from a health safety standpoint. No Oil-in-Water Emulsions – The final product for application should not be an oil-in-water emulsion spray solution in order to avoid the secondary impact of oil on contacted surfaces. Application Methods - The proposed new or novel formulation must be sprayable or brushable after dilution with water. An example of the equipment for application for the final diluted formulation might be using a common knap-sack sprayer type equipment. Surfaces to be treated - Once sprayed, the active must remain available to the insect at an effective concentration on all different surfaces with different porosities and surface chemistries (e.g., wood, mud, concrete, PVC). Novelty – The Seeker is well aware of known methods in the formulation as well as polymer-embedding literature (patents [issued and even pending] and scientific literature). Legal – The proposed solution should offer the Seeker freedom to practice. That is, solver proposed solution should not be encumbered by existing patents that would block the Seeker from using the formulation. Ideally, a solution would offer the Seeker the rights to patent the idea themselves if they can demonstrate its effectiveness. The Solvers should understand that the Seeker is in the business of chemical formulation and is not seeking a detailed literature review of the existing technologies for formulation of pyrethroid chemistries. What the Seeker is looking for is an application of an orthogonal approach or a method that is not standard or used in the industry. Out-of-the-box thinking and applications are sought with both human safety and the environment health kept in mind. If multiple proposals meet all the Technical Requirements, the Seeker reserves the right to award only the solution, which they believe, is most likely to be successfully and cost-effectively implemented. Project Criteria This requires only a written proposal. The proposal should include the following: Identification/Detailed Description of a technology/method that can meet the Technical Requirements as explained above. Rationale as to why the Solver believes that the proposed solution will work including citations and references to publicly available literature. This rationale should address each of the Technical Requirements described in the Detailed Description and should be supported with relevant examples and literature citations and data. NOTE: The Seeker considers the explanation to be the most important part of this Challenge. Please be sure your explanation is clear and your argument is strong (backed by references, data) to convince the Seeker it will work. The proposal should not include any personal identifying information (name, username, company, address, phone, email, personal website, resume, etc.) All proposals will be rated solely on the strengths of the theoretical proposal. While it is important for the Solver to demonstrate a technically solid approach via references to published studies, no independent experimentation is required from the Solver. The Challenge award will be contingent upon theoretical evaluation of the proposal by the Seeker. If multiple proposals meet all the Technical Requirements, the Seeker reserves the right to award only the solution, which they believe, is most likely to be successfully and cost-effectively implemented. To receive an award, the Solvers will have to transfer to the Seeker their exclusive Intellectual Property (IP) rights to the solution.

  • 2012-08-27


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