wuji 2013-08-12 14:40 IP:重庆
需求内容:由透明质酸均属于多糖类物质,应用该原料交联合成的水凝胶可避免异基因蛋白组分的凝胶带来的免疫学疑虑,部分厂家透明质酸凝胶产品吸水性强,与皮肤组织相容性好,可塑性强,可以根据不同需要塑性。 技术指标: 1. 体内停留时间可达到6个月以上 2. 有较好的细胞相容性、组织相容性 3. 可用于颜面部注射 4. 颗粒度均一,并可根据需要调节生产不同颗粒度的凝胶 5. 生产成本在200元/毫升以下 6. 1年内可获SFDA批准用于临床试验(含已获SFDA批准)   [更多]
lyj19721101 2015-02-06 13:34 IP:马鞍山
排行世界的第五大的制药公司寻找合作伙伴,要求提供多种大环结构药物与合成技术,寻找有关大环领域的新药发现。希望此公司提供化学详细的3 d模型。具体请链接:https://www.innocentive.com/ar/challenge/9933642 The Seeker, a top-five big pharma company, is looking for collaboration partners with expertise in the area of macrocycle drug discovery. Specifically, three key areas are of interest: Chemistry partners with access to diverse macrocyclic structures & synthetic expertise In-silico chemistry partners with access to high-throughput 3-D models suitable for macrocycles In-vitro ADME experts with access to membrane systems, beyond PAMPA and Caco-2 This is an electronic Request-for-Partners (eRFP) Challenge. The Solver will write a preliminary proposal (about 2–4 pages including contact information) to be evaluated by the Seeker with a goal of establishing a collaborative partnership. Upon completion of the evaluation, the Seeker may contact selected Solvers directly to work out terms for a collaboration contract. The monetary value of the contract will vary depending on the amount of work to be delivered and the time frame agreed upon.   [更多]
zhangyangoil 2022-03-01 14:25 IP:武汉
甲基多巴  METHYL DOPA  CAS 555-30-6求购:原料药 甲基多巴的商业化生产工艺,非专利网的文献。有实际完整生产工艺的可以详谈!甲基多巴是一种抗高血压药,为白色或类白色结晶性粉末;无臭。其主要是在中枢转化成甲基去甲肾上腺素。甲基去甲肾上腺素是一种很强的中枢α2受体激动药。用于中、重度或恶性高血压,还有镇静、降低眼压作用。   [更多]
zhangyangoil 2022-03-01 14:29 IP:武汉
求购 苯磺顺阿曲库铵 原料药 商业化生产工艺!Q2736068151苯磺顺阿曲库铵(cisatracurium besylate)是最新一代肌松剂,广泛应用于气管 插管、肝肾功能障碍、心血管手术等领域。苯磺酸阿曲库铵有4个手性中心,10个同分异构体,分子中含有4个手性中心,其中2个为手性碳,2个为手性氮,顺苯磺阿曲库铵为1R,1'R,2R,2'R异构体。我方需求顺苯磺阿曲库铵大生产合成工艺,要求整个工艺有较好的选择性,反应的收率和产品的纯度较高。我司需要商业化生产工艺而不是 专利网文献,需求真实有效,可提供者可私聊!   [更多]
雨suv 2011-11-25 15:26 IP:运城
  富马酸酮替芬原料工艺,要求工艺成熟,标准EP   [更多]
wu317823680 IP:重庆
求五水头孢唑林钠原料药合成工艺,有的请回复!   [更多]
lyj19721101 2015-04-27 17:16 IP:马鞍山
基因治疗的概念出现在几十年前,当研究人员推测,人类疾病可以通过精确使用一种技术引入外来DNA来解决遗传缺陷和疾病症状。近年来,基因治疗的进步已经涉足治疗遗传疾病,癌症,神经退行性疾病等各领域。遗传性疾病如色素性视网膜炎等少数眼部疾病的基因也可以如此治疗。公司征集一种在人类眼部组织定性和定量(半)测量体内基因表达的方法。 具体如下https://www.innocentive.com/ar/challenge/9933643 The concept of gene therapy arose decades ago, when researchers postulated that human diseases could be treated by using a technique to introduce foreign DNA to correct genetic defects and disease phenotypes. In recent years, advances in gene therapy have been documented in the treatment of genetic disorders, cancer, and neurodegenerative diseases. Inherited diseases such as retinitis pigmentosa are among a handful of ocular diseases that are amenable to gene therapy. The Seeker desires solutions that will both qualitatively and (semi-) quantitatively measure in vivo gene expression in human ocular tissues. This Challenge requires only a written proposal. Source: InnoCentive Challenge ID: 9933643 Challenge Overview The number of clinical trials for gene therapy to treat ocular disorders is on the rise. Inherited diseases such as retinitis pigmentosa among others are thought to be good candidates for targeted treatment. Currently, there is no method in humans to determine the level or geographic location of transgene expression following administration of gene therapy for diseases of the eye, specifically the retina. The Seeker desires solutions that will both qualitatively and (semi-) quantitatively measure in vivo gene expression in human ocular tissues. Submissions to this Challenge must be received by 11:59 PM (US Eastern Time) on June 20, 2015. Late submissions will not be considered. This is a Theoretical Challenge that requires only a written proposal to be submitted. The Challenge award will be contingent upon theoretical evaluation of the proposal by the Seeker. To receive an award, Solvers will not be required to transfer their exclusive IP rights to the Seeker. Instead, Solvers will grant to the Seeker a   [更多]
gonggong 2011-10-31 21:50 IP:重庆
控释衣膜溶液中的丙酮回收装置: 我公司生产生产的参透泵控释片多以醋酸纤维素为控释衣膜,醋酸纤维素的包衣溶液是丙酮,丙酮的沸点较低,在包衣的过程丙酮挥发难以回收。请设计并提供套生产可行的丙酮回收装置。   [更多]
lyj19721101 2015-01-24 13:59 IP:马鞍山
寻找一种载体某些细胞或分子如蛋白质,DNA,RNA,和microRNA,用这些载体来制备高选择性的靶向药物,给药的方法是让药物化合物给药和输送到身体的病灶而达到治疗效果。具体的要求请看下面链接:https://www.innocentive.com/ar/challenge/9933675 AWARD: $30,000 USD | DEADLINE: 2/17/15 | ACTIVE SOLVERS: 108 | POSTED: 1/16/15 Exosomes are membrane-bound vesicles that are produced by many, if not all cell types. Exosomes are able to selectively target certain cells and deliver molecules such as proteins, DNA, RNA, and microRNA. These vesicles are thought to have great potential for targeted drug delivery. The Seeker desires innovative methods for exosome drug loading without significant disruption of the membrane components and properties of the exosome. This Challenge requires only a written proposal. Source: InnoCentive Challenge ID: 9933675 Challenge Overview Drug delivery is the method by which pharmaceutical compounds are administered and transported in the body to achieve therapeutic efficacy. Recently, exosomes have been identified as a novel method to deliver drugs in a targeted manner and their potential is derived from natural components such as specific proteins/lipids contained in the membrane of exosomes. Successful delivery of substantial amounts of therapeutic drugs using exosomes is critically dependent on a highly efficient and broadly applicable methodology for loading exosomes with the therapeutic agent, however at present no such technology is available. The Seeker is looking for one or more technologies that will facilitate exosome drug loading without significant disruption of the membrane components and properties of the exosome.   [更多]
lyj19721101 2015-02-14 11:16 IP:马鞍山
静脉注射的优点就是快速静脉注射药物的分布在整个身体。通常,这些药物总是快速代谢,快速排出,导致短期的临床疗效。大家可以从微丸持续释放显效得皮启发。具体看链接:https://www.innocentive.com/ar/challenge/9933723 Intravenous delivery allows for the rapid distribution of injected drugs from the veins throughout the entire body. Oftentimes, these drugs are quickly metabolized and excreted resulting in short durations of clinical efficacy. Certain therapies may benefit from a bolus followed by sustained release. The Seeker wishes to identify a technology to sustain the delivery of a human high dose intravenous drug from a single injection administered over a period of 15 to 30 minutes. This Challenge requires only a written proposal. Source: InnoCentive Challenge ID: 9933723 Challenge Overview An intravenous sustained drug delivery technology is desired for a high dose drug that needs to be delivered over 8 to 10 hours. This intravenous sustained release delivery technology would allow a bolus of drug (approximately 40 to 60%) to be delivered quickly upon intravenous administration followed by the remaining dose (60 to 40%) delivered in a near zero order fashion from this intravenous administration over an 8 to 10 hour interval. This drug delivery technology needs to use materials that are already recognized as safe or can be easily qualified for parenteral administration in humans. This drug delivery technology should present no encumbrance to nurses administering the drug in a hospital setting. This technology should be amenable to delivering about 2 grams of a drug with an aqueous solubility of approximately 0.75 grams in 50 mL at 25°C and approximately 1 gram in 50 mL at 37°C during the 8 to 10 hour interval. Submissions to this Challenge must be received by 11:59 PM (US Eastern Time) on March 21, 2015. Late submissions will not be considered. This is a Theoretical Challenge that requires only a written proposal to be submitted. The Challenge award will be contingent upon theoretical evaluation of the proposal by the   [更多]
  • 安全可靠,先验收再正式付款
  • 性价比超高,节省一半费用
  • 80%的需求得到了圆满解决
