richard16 2016-05-16 17:27 IP:重庆
为健康动物做明显标记的染料或颜料,通常有以下2种限制: 1. 染料往往是活性的,因此不容易褪色,并有强烈的产品活性成分。 2. 颜料活性低,不粘附皮肤,所以容易被清洗。 目标要求是研发一种能在动物体上染色的环保材料(如:染料,颜料或其他) 或者一种配方能够达到相同效果。 投标截止时期2016年5月29日, 投标网址 原文 Challenge Overview The Seeker to this Challenge has a cleaning product for animal hygiene to which the Seeker intends to add the capability to stain skin with a clear, visible mark. Various dyes and pigments exist with the potential to provide this feature, however two limitations have been found: • Dyes tend to be reactive, hence not staining and consuming the active ingredient of the product. • Pigments are less reactive, do not adhere to skin, and are therefore easily washed out. The Challenge is to develop a highly colored version of the cleaning product adding to it the ability to stain animal skin. Hence, the Seeker is looking for ideas for ingredients (dyes, pigments, or others) and/or formulations that can overcome the above identified limitations and achieve this effect. This is a Theoretical Challenge that requires only a written proposal to be submitted. The Challenge award will be contingent upon theoretical evaluation of the proposal by the Seeker. Submissions to this Challenge must be received by 11:59 PM (US Eastern Time) on May 29, 2016. Late submissions may not be considered. To receive an award, the Solvers will have to transfer to the Seeker their exclusive Intellectual Property (IP) rightsto the solution.   [更多]
richard16 2016-05-16 17:23 IP:重庆
再生药的发展领域,主要集中在修复和取代受损细胞组织或病源组织。干细胞有自我修复功能。胚胎干细胞可以开发成身体内任何形式的细胞组织,成体干细胞的功能是维护或修复身体内部的细胞。Boiheringer Ingelheim的寻找目标是:调动,刺激,分化新的内源性干细胞分子结构的途径。 投标截止时期2016年6月24日, 投标网址: 原文 Mobilization, Stimulation, and Differentiation of Endogenous Stem Cells TAGS: Chemistry, Royal Society of Chemistry, Life Sciences, Ideation AWARD: $15,000 USD | DEADLINE: 6/24/16 | ACTIVE SOLVERS: 51 | POSTED: 4/25/16 1. The Challenge and qualification for the award During early development, embryonic stem cells are undifferentiated cells that can be stimulated to proliferate and develop into all different cell types. In adults, these endogenous cells are found in tissues and they can divide either to replenish the stem cell population or differentiate into specialized cells of the tissue in which they reside. These adult stem cells function as an internal maintenance or repair system, so it would be beneficial to be able to direct and enhance this regenerative capacity. Therefore, Boehringer Ingelheim (the Seeker) desires the identification of new molecular mechanisms and pathways involved in mobilization, stimulation, and differentiation of endogenous stem cells. All submitted solutions will be considered for the award. There will be a guaranteed award for at least one submitted solution. The total payout will be $15,000, with the possibility to distribute it amongst one or more Solvers, with at least one award being no smaller than $5,000 and no award being smaller than $1,000. 2. Additional application for Research Funding In addition to consideration for the award for the submitted solutions, Solvers with appropriate qualifications and expertise having access to a suitable research laboratory and equipment can apply for research funding (“Research Funding”) to execute the research plan that is proposed in the solution. The selection of candidates for Research Funding will be conducted after completion of this Challenge   [更多]
richard16 2016-05-13 16:05 IP:重庆
通常粘合假牙的化学物会从边缘过量留出,造成的在口中含有化学味道,同时伴随红肿等不良性。寻求一种取代现有的粘合技术,从而改善顾客体验的一种新的技术。 投标截止时期2016年6月5日, 投标网址: Seeking New Technologies for Denture Adhesives TAGS: Chemistry, Physical Sciences, Life Sciences, Engineering/Design, Theoretical-IP Transfer AWARD: $20,000 USD | DEADLINE: 6/05/16 | ACTIVE SOLVERS: 50 | POSTED: 5/05/16 The use of denture adhesives often comes with an unpleasant sensorial experience for the user, for example, an unpleasant chemical taste, “swelling” and over-flow of the product (oozing) from the edges of the denture and a grainy texture in the mouth. The Seeker for this Challenge is looking to improve this experience for consumers, hence is seeking novel alternative adhesive technologies that can better the sensorial experience without compromising holding performance. This Challenge requires only a written proposal. Source: InnoCentive Challenge ID: 9933824 Sign Agreement For This Challenge By electronically signing the agreement below, you are indicating your intention to view the details of this specific InnoCentive Challenge. Viewing the Challenge Details does not obligate you to perform any work on this challenge. Print this Agreement for your records InnoCentive Theoretical (IP Rights Transfer) Challenge-Specific Agreement Please Read This Carefully! You and InnoCentive are agreeing to a Challenge-Specific Solver Agreement for this particular InnoCentive Challenge only, as permitted in the Terms of Use. The Seeker for this InnoCentive Challenge has required that you accept these special terms, so please take the time to understand them. If you click \\"I agree\\" and proceed to the Project Room for this InnoCentive Challenge, this Challenge-Specific Agreement (\\"CSA\\") will be a valid and binding agreement for all purposes relating to this InnoCentive Challenge and in addition to your agreement to abide by the Terms of Use when you registered as a Solver.   [更多]
richard16 2016-05-13 15:59 IP:重庆
寻找一种可以代替粘结剂(胶水)粘结聚合材料的方法,聚合材料如:织物,橡胶,泡沫或胶片。粘合效果必须是长久有效的,并且优于粘合剂如:性价比,快速粘合时间。 投标截止时期2016年5月30日, 投标网址: Bonding of Polymeric Materials without Adhesives TAGS:CChemistry \\ Physical Sciences \\ Engineering \\ Design \\ Royal Society of Chemistry AWARD: $10,000 USD | DEADLINE: 5/30/16 | ACTIVE SOLVERS: 123 | POSTED: 4/28/16 The Seeker is looking for alternative methods to bond specific polymeric materials together other than adhesives. These polymeric materials can be in many forms including fabrics, rubber, foams and films. The bond must be durable and offer advantages over adhesives like cost and time savings. This Theoretical Challenge requires only a written proposal. Source: InnoCentive Challenge ID: 9933860 Sign Agreement For This Challenge By electronically signing the agreement below, you are indicating your intention to view the details of this specific InnoCentive Challenge. Viewing the Challenge Details does not obligate you to perform any work on this challenge. Print this Agreement for your records InnoCentive Theoretical (IP Rights Transfer) Challenge-Specific Agreement Please Read This Carefully! You and InnoCentive are agreeing to a Challenge-Specific Solver Agreement for this particular InnoCentive Challenge only, as permitted in the Terms of Use. The Seeker for this InnoCentive Challenge has required that you accept these special terms, so please take the time to understand them. If you click \\"I agree\\" and proceed to the Project Room for this InnoCentive Challenge, this Challenge-Specific Agreement (\\"CSA\\") will be a valid and binding agreement for all purposes relating to this InnoCentive Challenge and in addition to your agreement to abide by the Terms of Use when you registered as a Solver. Please print and keep a copy of this CSA. No provisions you may have agreed to that are specific to any other individual InnoCentive Challenge will apply. 1. Your   [更多]
richard16 2016-05-13 08:37 IP:重庆
理论分析一种材料,能有明显区分其与丙酮或水(潮湿)的物理作用。如膨胀,收缩,卷曲,等等。此材料不限于纤维,膜剂或织物。 “请于2016年5月23日之前将稿件上传到: “ Challenge Overview Many materials (usually polymers) change shape when exposed to acetone (ketones in general) but also have a large affinity for moisture as well. It would be very difficult to attribute physical changes to acetone or water if both were present. The Seeker is looking for materials and associated processes that produce an observable physical change to the substrate upon exposure to acetone. The material should not have the same effect when exposed to moisture so the two can be differentiated. The effect should be reversible and the rate of absorb/desorb should be similar. This is a Theoretical Challenge that requires only a written proposal to be submitted. The Challenge award will be contingent upon theoretical evaluation of the proposal by the Seeker. To receive an award, the Solvers will have to transfer to the Seeker their exclusive Intellectual Property (IP) rightsto the solution. However, the Seeker will be willing to consider a licensing agreement for a partial award if exclusive IP cannot be transferred by the Solver. Submissions to this Challenge must be received by 11:59 PM (US Eastern Time) on May 23, 2016. Late submissions will not be considered.   [更多]
toby0077 2016-05-04 08:40 IP:重庆
具体要求: 求购印度药典2014pdf版本,拆分版本更好; 或者寻找印度药典在线查询地址,并能够使用! 价格面议   [更多]
13628650845 2016-05-03 12:39 IP:武汉
环磷酰胺、骨陶瓷材料、抗辐射药氨磷汀、福辛普利 唑来膦酸   [更多]
yinzhiming 2016-04-26 10:19 IP:衡水
需要完整的生产工艺,证书,药品批号,等全部内容价格可以面谈   [更多]
toby0077 2016-04-25 09:04 IP:重庆
具体要求: 求购印度药典2014pdf版本,拆分版本更好; 或者寻找印度药典在线查询地址,并能够使用! 价格面议   [更多]
zhg8687 2016-04-21 10:22 IP:上海
求购“Abiraterone Acetate Tablets”《 USP39-NF34 》的药典标准一份.   [更多]
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  • 80%的需求得到了圆满解决
