药学达达哥 IP:武汉
我需要一篇综述,题目:纳米材料在制药工业的应用 要求:不少于5000字。 论文(设计说明书)应包括封面、目录、题目、摘要与关键词、正文、参考文献、致谢等部分。   [更多]
root 2011-12-07 21:27 IP:重庆
  药品信息录入1000条信息   (150元/稿)   [更多]
tangminsky 2011-12-13 16:34 IP:上海
  需要一个英文版的药理毒理研究资料综述   内容应涉及包括:体外药理药效和体内药效(吸收、分布、代谢、排泄)方法及结果总结   [更多]
changxin 2012-09-27 11:52 IP:重庆
“科技每年都会见证一些神奇的真理和制造出令人眼花缭乱的东西,如吴雨霏穆利斯《创新的聚合酶链式反应》。 不幸的是,他们中的大多数被淘汰出局。而聚合酶链式反应则预示着基因组的革命. 这是一项关于思维的挑战,这项任务要求挑战者来概述制药行业需要采取哪些创新,来适应这优胜劣汰的游戏规则。挑战者不需要发表明确的解决方案,你只需要清楚的描述已经存在的,可能会成为下一个制药趋势的大事。这将有助于制药行业寻找明天的药物,生产新药。 What Disruptive Innovations Does Pharma Need To Discover Tomorrow’s Drugs? AWARD: $5,000 USD | DEADLINE: 10/15/12 | ACTIVE SOLVERS: 220 | POSTED: 9/14/12 Source: InnoCentive Challenge ID: 9932826 Type: Ideation Detailed Description & Requirements Background Productivity in drug discovery & development – the number of new drugs reaching patients – has been declining. At the same time, R&D spending has been increasing. Industry experts calculate the mean R&D spend per new drug on the market is $4-11 billion dollars. 2012 Forbes Article: The Truly Staggering Cost of Inventing New Drugs The Problem Various factors contribute to this high development cost. The most prominent is the high rate of attrition (failure) on drug like compounds as they pass through the drug development process. For every 10,000 compounds that appear interesting during basic research, 1 may reach market as an approved drug. Causes of compounds not progressing include: Lack of efficacy or potency Unfavorable pharmacology/pharmacodynamics Toxicity or safety Increasing regulatory stringency in approving drugs for clinical trial and for market Increasing emphasis on stratification of patient populations for administration of drugs (personalized medicine) Factors contributing to these causes include, but are not limited to: Assay systems and platforms that poorly replicate drug effects in humans Lack of new therapeutic drug targets being identified e.g. phenotypic screening data is difficult to convert into new molecular targets Animal experimental data, too, poorly predicts effects in humans / translational medicine Lack of good validated biomarkers to measure disease states or predict   [更多]
gonggong 2013-04-16 16:56 IP:重庆
2010年版《中国药典》及增补是新中国成立60年来组织编制的第九版药典,注重创新与发展,全面提升了我国药物质量控制的要求与水准,是国家药品标准体系的核心。作为色谱行业的领导者,沃特世(Waters?)公司长期以来得到广大制药行业用户的支持与厚爱,其提供的优质色谱柱及消耗品为药品质量控制提供了强有力的保障和技术支撑。为答谢广大用户对沃特世公司的支持与帮助、进一步增进用户之间的交流,特向广大沃特世色谱柱制药领域用户征集2010版中国药典高效液相色谱图,并将汇编成册回馈客户。 一、征集对象 沃特世色谱柱制药领域用户 二、征集要求 1、所用的Waters色谱柱规格型号、色谱条件完整准确;图谱真实、清晰,基线稳定,目标成分峰型良好,分离度、保留时间、理论塔板数符合要求。 三、评审与奖励 1、将邀请专家为本次征集活动进行评审,所有被录用图谱的作者均将获得特制U盘一个。 2、活动将选出前十名对图谱征集贡献最大的单位或个人成为沃特世VIP客户,将给予更低的优惠折扣。 四、征集时间及联系方式 征集时间:2013年1月1日-2013年5月31日 Word文件请电邮至info_chemistry@waters.com(请将附件粘贴到邮件中) 联系人:Anne 联系电话:021-61562630   [更多]
zhoufeizcv 2013-07-31 17:14 IP:重庆
要全国的联系方式,其他方面的个人资料。欢迎来稿,需求量大!   [更多]
三生三世 2014-11-19 09:09 IP:重庆
mixian 2015-01-26 10:30 IP:重庆
为普及食品药品安全法律法规和基本常识,创新宣传方式,营造“全民参与、全民共建、全民共享”的浓厚社会氛围,推进食品药品安全形成社会共治格局,重庆市南岸区食品安全委员会办公室、重庆市食品药品监督管理局南岸区分局决定面向全国公开有奖征集食品药品安全宣传主题音乐、微电影剧本、警示教育片脚本、公益宣传广告词。 一、组织机构 主办单位:重庆市南岸区食品安全委员会办公室 承办单位:重庆市食品药品监督管理局南岸区分局 协办单位:重庆好图影视文化传媒有限公司 二、征集内容 (一)《良知》(暂定名)食品药品安全微电影剧本 1.作品要求 (1)作品紧扣“做食品、做药品,做道德、做良心!”主题思想,通过与食品药品安全有关的故事激发从业者的自律诚信意识、消费者的自我保护意识和监管者的使命责任意识。 (2)微电影计划时长为10-15分钟。 2.奖励办法 (1)特等奖1名,奖金30000元人民币。 (2)优秀奖5名,奖金各4000元人民币。 (3)设纪念奖若干名,奖金各1000元人民币。 (二)《前车之鉴》(暂定名)食品药品安全警示教育片脚本 1.作品要求 (1)作品通过整理、归纳、提炼国内外食品、药品、医疗器械、保健食品、化妆品的重大案例,剖析反思,警示教育从业者、监管者、消费者。 (2)每件作品3500字左右。 2.奖励办法 (1)特等奖1名,奖金10000元人民币。 (2)优秀奖5名,奖金各2000元人民币。 (3)设纪念奖若干名,奖金各500元人民币。 (三)《良知》食品药品安全主题曲 1.作品要求 (1)主办方提供歌词(见附件),作曲者根据需要可作适当修改完善。也可自创歌词谱曲。 (2)作品弘扬主旋律,曲风不限(美声、民族、通俗以及独唱、合唱、二重唱等均可),融思想性、群众性、艺术性于一体,易于传唱。 (3)应征作品要提供完整的音乐小样和曲谱。 2.奖励办法 (1)特等奖1名,奖金30000元人民币。 (2)优秀奖5名,奖金各5000元人民币。 (3)纪念奖若干名,奖金各2000元人民币。 (四)食品药品安全公益宣传广告词 1.作品要求 作品主题鲜明,言简意赅,易于朗诵和传播,原则上不超过20个字。 2.奖励办法 (1)特等奖1名,奖金1000元人民币。 (2)优秀奖5名,奖金各500元人民币。 (3)纪念奖若干名,奖金各200元人民币。 三、活动时间 作品征集阶段:2015年1月15日至2015年3月5日 评定表彰阶段:2015年3月 四、作品报送 (一)电子邮件方式: 作品以电子邮件形式发送到2029222682@qq.com。 (二)信函方式:光盘或纸质作品邮寄到“重庆市海棠溪正街34号渝浦大厦负一楼重庆市食品药品监督管理局南岸区分局综合科,信封正面注明“应征作品”。 邮 编:400067 联系人:陈凌燕、陈邦国 联系电话:023-62801553 (三)投稿人请注明作品类别、作品名称、创意说明、创作团队(注明主创人姓名)、联系方式(电话、邮编、邮箱、通讯地址)。 (四)所有作品均不退还,请自留底稿。 五、评选办法 主办方将组织有关专家组成评审小组,对作品进行评定,获得等级奖的作品获得相应奖金和证书。 六、其他事宜 (一)应征作品应为原创。所有作品作者文责自负,如有侵犯他人版权或者其他权利的文字、图片等稿件,主承办方不承担任何责任。所有入选的作品,其著作权和使用权归重庆市食品药品监督管理局南岸区分局所有。 (二)重庆市食品药品监督管理局南岸区分局对本次活动拥有最终解释权。 附件:食品药品安全主题歌《良知》歌词 重庆市南岸区食品安全委员会办公室 2014年1月15日   [更多]
richard16 2016-05-13 15:59 IP:重庆
寻找一种可以代替粘结剂(胶水)粘结聚合材料的方法,聚合材料如:织物,橡胶,泡沫或胶片。粘合效果必须是长久有效的,并且优于粘合剂如:性价比,快速粘合时间。 投标截止时期2016年5月30日, 投标网址:https://www.innocentive.com/ar/challenge/9933860 Bonding of Polymeric Materials without Adhesives TAGS:CChemistry \\ Physical Sciences \\ Engineering \\ Design \\ Royal Society of Chemistry AWARD: $10,000 USD | DEADLINE: 5/30/16 | ACTIVE SOLVERS: 123 | POSTED: 4/28/16 The Seeker is looking for alternative methods to bond specific polymeric materials together other than adhesives. These polymeric materials can be in many forms including fabrics, rubber, foams and films. The bond must be durable and offer advantages over adhesives like cost and time savings. This Theoretical Challenge requires only a written proposal. Source: InnoCentive Challenge ID: 9933860 Sign Agreement For This Challenge By electronically signing the agreement below, you are indicating your intention to view the details of this specific InnoCentive Challenge. Viewing the Challenge Details does not obligate you to perform any work on this challenge. Print this Agreement for your records InnoCentive Theoretical (IP Rights Transfer) Challenge-Specific Agreement Please Read This Carefully! You and InnoCentive are agreeing to a Challenge-Specific Solver Agreement for this particular InnoCentive Challenge only, as permitted in the Terms of Use. The Seeker for this InnoCentive Challenge has required that you accept these special terms, so please take the time to understand them. If you click \\"I agree\\" and proceed to the Project Room for this InnoCentive Challenge, this Challenge-Specific Agreement (\\"CSA\\") will be a valid and binding agreement for all purposes relating to this InnoCentive Challenge and in addition to your agreement to abide by the Terms of Use when you registered as a Solver. Please print and keep a copy of this CSA. No provisions you may have agreed to that are specific to any other individual InnoCentive Challenge will apply. 1. Your   [更多]
richard16 2016-05-16 17:23 IP:重庆
再生药的发展领域,主要集中在修复和取代受损细胞组织或病源组织。干细胞有自我修复功能。胚胎干细胞可以开发成身体内任何形式的细胞组织,成体干细胞的功能是维护或修复身体内部的细胞。Boiheringer Ingelheim的寻找目标是:调动,刺激,分化新的内源性干细胞分子结构的途径。 投标截止时期2016年6月24日, 投标网址:https://www.innocentive.com/ar/challenge/9933855 原文 Mobilization, Stimulation, and Differentiation of Endogenous Stem Cells TAGS: Chemistry, Royal Society of Chemistry, Life Sciences, Ideation AWARD: $15,000 USD | DEADLINE: 6/24/16 | ACTIVE SOLVERS: 51 | POSTED: 4/25/16 1. The Challenge and qualification for the award During early development, embryonic stem cells are undifferentiated cells that can be stimulated to proliferate and develop into all different cell types. In adults, these endogenous cells are found in tissues and they can divide either to replenish the stem cell population or differentiate into specialized cells of the tissue in which they reside. These adult stem cells function as an internal maintenance or repair system, so it would be beneficial to be able to direct and enhance this regenerative capacity. Therefore, Boehringer Ingelheim (the Seeker) desires the identification of new molecular mechanisms and pathways involved in mobilization, stimulation, and differentiation of endogenous stem cells. All submitted solutions will be considered for the award. There will be a guaranteed award for at least one submitted solution. The total payout will be $15,000, with the possibility to distribute it amongst one or more Solvers, with at least one award being no smaller than $5,000 and no award being smaller than $1,000. 2. Additional application for Research Funding In addition to consideration for the award for the submitted solutions, Solvers with appropriate qualifications and expertise having access to a suitable research laboratory and equipment can apply for research funding (“Research Funding”) to execute the research plan that is proposed in the solution. The selection of candidates for Research Funding will be conducted after completion of this Challenge   [更多]
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