重性抑郁障碍(MDD)是一种使人衰弱的精神障碍,在美国约有20000000流行病例。然而不同的抗抑郁药可用于治疗不同的抑郁症,,约50%的抑郁症患者的初始治疗结果不理想。最近有证据表明,在发病的几个小时内氯胺酮给药治疗难治性抑郁症已经显著有所改善。勃林格殷格翰公司寻找氯胺酮在人体中反应和持续的抗抑郁作用的机理。 Boehringer Ingelheim Challenge: Understanding the Antidepressant Effect of Ketamine TAGS: Nature, Chemistry, Life Sciences, Ideation AWARD: $21,000 USD | DEADLINE: 1/15/15 | ACTIVE SOLVERS: 20 | POSTED: 12/15/14 1. The Challenge and qualification for the award Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a debilitating psychiatric disorder with about 20 million prevalent cases in the United States. Various antidepressants are available for treatment of patients suffering from MDD, however, about 50% of MDD patients do not respond adequately to initial treatments. Recent evidence shows that ketamine administered to patients with treatment resistant depression has resulted in marked improvement within hours of treatment. Boehringer Ingelheim (the Seeker) desires a working hypothesis for ketamine’s mechanism of action and sustained antidepressant effect. The submitted solutions will be considered for the award. There will be a guaranteed award for at least one submitted solution. The total payout will be $21,000, with at least one award being no smaller than $12,000 and no award being smaller than $3,000. 2. Additional application for Research Funding In addition to consideration for the award for the submitted Solutions, Solvers with appropriate qualifications and expertise having access to a suitable research laboratory and equipment can apply for research funding (“Research Funding”) to execute a research plan that is proposed in the Solution. The requested funding should not exceed a funding period of 2 years and a total budget of $200,000. The selection of candidates for Research Funding will be conducted after completion of this Challenge, and will require the submission of additional information. The decision to fund research will be at the discretion of the Seeker.
可使生物降解的长效制剂微胶囊技术是一种药物控释技术。在授控的较长的一段时间药物缓慢释放。在过去的二十年中,武田公司已经完善了其专有技术,即具有微胶囊的长效制剂,能在人体的6个多月保持血药浓度。武田希望能有一种技术,即在确定的治疗药物,使用缓释长效制剂微胶囊技术能在任何人体组织上定向使用。具体如下:{https://www.innocentive.com/ar/challenge/9933674} AWARD: varies | DEADLINE: 1/26/15 | ACTIVE SOLVERS: 28 | POSTED: 12/10/14 Depot formulation using a biodegradable microcapsule is one technique for the controlled delivery of pharmaceuticals. The drug is slowly released over an extended period of time in a controlled manner. During the past two decades, Takeda has perfected its proprietary technology, which features a microcapsule depot formulation that maintains drug plasma levels for more than 6 months in humans. Takeda wishes to identify therapeutic agents that will benefit from sustained release through depot formulation using microcapsule technology. This is an electronic Request-for-Partners (eRFP) Challenge; the Solver will only need to submit a written proposal to be evaluated by the Seeker with a goal of establishing a Takeda funded collaborative partnership. A finder’s fee of $3,000 will be offered at the Seeker’s sole discretion to submission(s) that provide contacts which meet the criteria of the Challenge. Source: InnoCentive Challenge ID: 9933674 Challenge Overview Takeda is well known for its superior depot formulation using microcapsule technology. Controlled sustained release of drugs is achieved using either PLGA (poly-lactic-co-glycolic acid) or PLA (poly-lactic acid) polymer to make microspheres. This core technology is capable of producing injectable formulations that are biodegradable and release drugs over a period of weeks to months. By formulating drugs using this best-in-class approach, Takeda hopes to apply their microcapsule technology to improve the efficacy and safety of known therapeutics compared to the existing administration methods, while providing alternative treatment options to patients with unmet medical needs. In other words, Takeda makes this technology open to any external organization that could utilize it for further innovation. ABOUT THE SEEKER Based on the corporate philosophy of "Takeda-ism" (Integrity: Fairness, Honesty and Perseverance) developed over its long corporate history of more than 230 years, Takeda conducts activities according to the corporate mission to “strive towards better health for people worldwide through leading innovation in medicine.” For further information, please visit http://www.takeda.com/. Submissions to this Challenge must be received by 11:59 PM (US Eastern Time) on January 26, 2015. Late submissions will not be considered. This is an electronic Request-for-Partners (eRFP) Challenge. The Solver will write a preliminary proposal (including supporting non-confidential information and contact details) to be evaluated by the Seeker with a goal of establishing a collaborative partnership. Upon completion of the evaluation, Takeda may contact selected Solvers directly to work out terms for a collaboration contract. The monetary value of the contract will vary depending on the amount of work to be delivered and the agreed upon time frame.
湿疹是一种慢性皮肤疾病,包括炎症,红肿,痒。许多非处方药品都是从干燥的角度来治疗湿疹的,南昌我们需要处方药物,减轻瘙痒和炎症的症状。现在寻求开发一种用于治疗湿疹的新的解决方案。具体如下:(https://www.innocentive.com/ar/challenge/9933668?challenge=9933668) TAGS: Chemistry, Requests for Partners and Suppliers, Life Sciences, Ideation AWARD: $15,000 USD | DEADLINE: 1/31/15 | ACTIVE SOLVERS: 55 | POSTED: 12/09/14 Eczema is a term that refers to a group of chronic skin conditions that involve inflammation, irritation, and itch. Many over-the-counter products are marketed to persons with eczema for the purpose of gaining relief from the dry, itchy rash. Flare-ups require prescription medications that alleviate the symptoms of itch and inflammation. The Seeker is looking to develop novel solutions for the treatment of eczema. This is an Ideation Challenge with a guaranteed award for at least one submitted solution. Source: InnoCentive Challenge ID: 9933668 Challenge Overview Eczema is a general term for all types of dermatitis. The etiology of eczema remains unknown, although there is evidence to suggest that the cause may be hereditary or linked to environmental triggers. People try many things to treat their eczema and these include over-the-counter remedies, prescription medications, and alternative therapies. Common complaints about these treatments stem from the lack of effectiveness in providing symptom relief. Topical corticosteroids and calcineurin inhibitors are widely used to effectively alleviate itch and inflammation, however, prolonged and inappropriate use can cause permanent changes to the skin such as skin thinning. Therefore, eczema treatment remains an unmet medical need. The Seeker is an independent, research-based pharmaceutical company that desires novel ideas for molecules, which are targeted for other diseases, but may also prove to be beneficial for eczema patients. This is an Ideation Challenge, which has the following unique features: There is a guaranteed award. The awards will be paid to the best submission(s) as solely determined by the Seeker. The total payout will be $15,000, with at least one award being no smaller than $5,000 and no award being smaller than $2,000. Submission forwarding occurs during the Challenge. Since submissions will be forwarded to the Seeker throughout the Challenge, please make sure you upload only a finished proposal. You can submit an updated version of your proposal only as a new submission. If you submit an updated version of your proposal, please clearly indicate the new items and/or edits compared to your previous submission. This will allow the Seeker to quickly find the new information and determine how it improves your submission. The Solvers are not required to transfer exclusive intellectual property rights to the Seeker. Rather, by submitting a proposal, the Solver grants to the Seeker a royalty-free, perpetual, and non-exclusive license to use any information included in this proposal, including for promotional purposes.
截止日期:2015年1月10日 已有提案:17件 发布时间:14年11月25日 已选0个,还需要1个。 具体要求:血糖水平在饭后,运动,或胰岛素注射后都能迅速变化。对于糖尿病患者,血糖自我监测是非常重要的。我们通过时测的血糖浓度来给患者开取药物种类和用量。一般测量是一天几次,需要从手指取血。虽然程序简单,患者不喜欢频频采样。阿斯利康致力于无采血需要测量血糖微创方法。 这一悬赏只需要一个书面建议。 以下几条信息必须同时满足: 1. 必须在2015年1月10日下午11时59分(美国东部时间)收到,逾期的投标概不受理。只需要提案人一个书面建议提交。解决方领取奖金的同时,必须将其独有的知识产权(IP)的权利转让给举办方。 2.这个悬赏任务是必须寻找一种微创血糖监测方法,只需要提交一份书面建议,即可。 3、投稿在此网站:https://www.innocentive.com/ar/challenge/9933680
截止日期:2014年12月31日 已有提案:17件 发布时间:2014年11月18日 已选0个,还需要1个。 具体要求:研究人员需要寻找一种新植入盆腔器官脱垂的治疗方法。这一悬赏只需要一个书面建议。 以下几条信息必须同时满足: 1. 必须在2014年12月31日下午11时59分(美国东部时间)收到,逾期的投标概不受理。只需要提案人一个书面建议提交。解决方领取奖金的同时,必须将其独有的知识产权(IP)的权利转让给举办方。 2.这个悬赏任务是必须寻找一种寻找新植入盆腔器官脱垂的治疗方法。盆腔器官脱垂(POP)是指盆腔器官(膀胱,子宫和直肠)的下降,是由于周围结构支撑的损坏。最近的研究表明,妇女在她们的一生中有12.6%的可能性接受手术治疗脱垂修复。POP手术修复的目的是提供并改善盆腔器官的功能,同时尽量减少复发。然而,网状增强修复有可能需要再次手术,在5年目并发症的妇女6%,约10%将需要再次手术治疗复发性脱垂。所以我们需要一种更好治疗方法才能实现不复发的目标。3、投稿在此网站:https://www.innocentive.com/ar/challenge/9933488
截止日期:2015年1月6日 已有提案:8件 发布时间:14年11月20日 已选0个,还需要1个。 具体要求:双特异性抗体(BsAbs)在效力上优于常规的单克隆抗体(mAb),因为它们一定拥有两个特定的药理潜在优势。这可能导致比由或单一的单克隆抗体或甚至单抗联合治疗能够取得更大的效力。葛兰素史克对这一新兴的生物制药领域有着浓厚的兴趣,并取得了许多实验进展,比如从BsAb分子到临床实验研究。对于某些BsAb配对,我们也看到,双特异性抗体和单克隆抗体结合方法上的标准有所不同。 虽然对BsAb使用公认的最好的医疗应用是在控制T细胞活化方面,葛兰素史克公司对直接控制抗体方面也有兴趣,比如方便配体/受体靶对的抑制或激活的研究。 这一悬赏只需要一个书面建议。 以下几条信息必须同时满足: 1. 必须在2015年1月6日下午11时59分(美国东部时间)收到,逾期的投标概不受理。只需要提案人一个书面建议提交。解决方领取奖金的同时,必须将其独有的知识产权(IP)的权利转让给举办方。 2.这个悬赏任务是必须寻找一种双特异性抗体识别机制来预测任何给定目标抗体的配对及协同作用能力。葛兰素史克因此热情邀请更广泛的研发人员,创建出这种方法,让双特异性抗体比等效单抗的联合治疗更有效。 3、投稿在此网站:https://www.innocentive.com/ar/challenge/9933655
单人中标 赏金分配: $ 30,000 截止日期:2015年1月5日 已有提案:104件 发布时间:14年11月3日 已选0个,还需要1个。 具体要求:研究人员需要一种理论和数学模型来描述已知药物分子和药物性质来预测在水溶媒中药片的溶出过程。这一悬赏只需要一个书面建议。 以下几条信息必须同时满足: 1. 必须在2015年1月5日下午11时59分(美国东部时间)收到,逾期的投标概不受理。只需要提案人一个书面建议提交。解决方领取奖金的同时,必须将其独有的知识产权(IP)的权利转让给举办方。 2.这个悬赏任务是必须寻找一种理论和数学模型来描述已知药物分子和药物性质来预测在水溶媒中药片的溶出过程。而这种药物的晶形、分子结构、活性和非活性成份的重量比、粒径、水溶液的PH等等都是已知并且固定的。 3、投稿在此网站:Multi-Scale Modeling of Tablet Dissolution | InnoCentive Challenge https://www.innocentive.com/ar/challenge/9933558
单人中标 赏金分配: $ 15000 截止日期:2014年12月4日 已有提案:75件 发布时间:2014年11月4日 已选0个,还需要1个。 具体要求: 研究人员想要一种小分子拮抗剂NK 3(神经激肽受体3,也被称为速激肽受体3)新的临床适应症。许多中枢神经系统的临床适应症NK3拮抗剂已经被考虑,如精神分裂症的治疗和药物成瘾的治疗。研究人员对NK3拮抗剂可以忍受的适应症,或其已知的药理作用特别感兴趣。最近的研究表明,有一种随着NK-3拮抗剂作用而降低的性激素的适应症。这一悬赏只需要一个书面建议。 以下几条信息必须同时满足: 1. 必须在2014年12月4日下午11时59分(美国东部时间)收到,逾期的投标概不受理。只需要提案人一个书面建议提交。解决方领取奖金的同时,必须将其独有的知识产权(IP)的权利转让给举办方。 2.这个悬赏任务是必须寻找一种小分子拮抗剂NK 3(神经激肽受体3,也被称为速激肽受体3)新的临床适应症 3、在这个网站上投稿:New Disease Indications for NK3 (Tachykinin Receptor 3) Antagonists | InnoCentive Challenge https://www.innocentive.com/ar/challenge/9933526
单人中标 赏金分配: $ 50,000 截止日期:计2015年1月12日 已有提案:57 件 发布时间:2014年11月6日 已选0个,还需要1个。 具体要求: 与年龄相关的黄斑变性(AMD)是造成50岁以上人的视力丧失的主要原因。黄斑变性会造成视网膜的中央点损害,并模糊,最后会使一个或两个眼睛发展到失明。虽然AMD已有少量模型存在,但并没有充分阐明疾病的病理,而且也不适合于彻底深入地筛选和开发药物。年龄相关性黄斑变性(AMD)被认为是由遗传和环境因素来触发一种复杂而且异质性疾病。正如它的名字所示的,随着年龄的增长AMD发病率增加,据估计,在美国,大约有800万55周岁以上的人具有中期或后期的疾病。 AMD出现的第一症状为黄斑色素的改变和被称为玻璃疣的视网膜下沉积物。疾病进一步发展可能导致视网膜色素上皮(RPE)细胞和光感受器细胞或新血管的血管渗透,出血和疤痕。光感受器细胞和视网膜色素上皮细胞之间的相互作用对于正常的视力功能是必不可少的。这一悬赏只需要一个书面建议。 以下几条信息必须同时满足: 1. 必须在2015年1月12日下午11时59分(美国东部时间)收到,逾期的投标概不受理。只需要提案人一个书面建议提交。解决方领取奖金的同时,必须将其独有的知识产权(IP)的权利转让给举办方。 2.这个悬赏任务是必须寻找一种新的,临床前模型,描述光感受器细胞和视网膜色素上皮细胞之间的相互作用,在长期生理分化中对视力的影响,以方便对最近出现的新兴疗法进行疗效评价。 3、在这个网站投稿:Preclinical Models of Age-Related Macular Degeneration | InnoCentive Challenge https://www.innocentive.com/ar/challenge/9933641
交易模式: 单人中标 赏金分配: $28,000,已选0个,还需要1个。截止日期:2014年12月12日 已有提案:19件,发布时间:2014年11月12日 具体要求: 神经退化性疾病影响到数以百万计的世界各地的人们,它给病人和他们的照顾者经济上和情感上造成了巨大负担。尽管这些疾病的发病机制尚不清楚,但一些相关治疗仍是可用的,比如要让药物直接作用于中枢神经系统的病灶,药物传递和分散到脑部的过程却是关键。从临床前后的数据表明,在脑脊髓液(CSF)中的药物浓度可以被用作一个相当精确的指示剂来检查发生在大脑中的变化。研究人员想要找到一种解决办法,即为精确标测量在脑或脑脊液特异性蛋白质的方法。 神经变性疾病时,在脑和脊髓的神经元开始发生恶化和功能异常。这些疾病主要发生在人们中老年的生活:随着年龄增长产生的疾病,如阿尔茨海默氏症,帕金森氏症和神经多发性硬化症发病率的上升。目前神经退化性疾病的治疗取得了一些进展,改善了患者的生活质量,但是还没有治愈。为了提高临床前测试的可预测性和在临床测试的成功可能性,所述研究人员希望找出一种用于在脑和/或脑脊液中特定蛋白的检测。这一悬赏只需要一个书面建议。 以下几条信息必须同时满足: 1. 必须在2014年12月12日下午11时59分(美国东部时间)收到,逾期的投标概不受理。只需要提案人一个书面建议提交。解决方领取奖金的同时,必须将其独有的知识产权(IP)的权利转让给举办方。 2.这个悬赏任务是必须找出一种用于在脑和/或脑脊液中特定蛋白的检测方法,可在临床前后测试中判断出这些神经变性疾病。 3、在以下网站进行投稿:Protein Detection in Brain and Cerebrospinal Fluid | InnoCentive Challenge https://www.innocentive.com/ar/challenge/9933525