• 2016-08-24

    阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停(简称OSA),在美国影响数百万人和其他国家更多的人。幸运的是,在非手术治疗中,存在一个有效的持续气道正压通气装置(简称CPAP),可用在患者睡觉时。不幸的是,通过改进设备和教育患者的努力,患有OSA的患者使用 CPAP仍然在40-50%的范围。 我们寻求增加和坚持使用CPAP治疗OSA的创新解决方案。提交的解决方案可以采取各种各样的方法来解决的患者在心理上,身体上,或不适应CPAP等问题。 提交方案请在:https://www.innocentive.com/ar/challenge/9933907 上投稿。 截止日期:2016年9月21日

  • 2016-08-10

    确定性生物标记物用来预测癫痫猝死,具有巨大的医疗前景。虽然有几个假设猝死的原因,癫痫患者的死亡率和如何防止它仍然是一个谜。新的研究表明,癫痫发作后,抑制大脑活动、损害呼吸和心脏功能等生理变化最终导致癫痫猝死。另外,在一次或多次惊厥后的一小时内通常发生癫痫猝死。 目前很少有干预措施,可以预测和预防癫痫患者的癫痫猝死。因此,针对癫痫猝死高危患者,癫痫病基金会要求,对其特殊敏感性生物标记物进行临床研发,生物标记物可以是基因层面、结构层面、代谢层面,生理层面或其他形式,理想的生物标记物或生物标记物组会被很容易地,安全地测量,具有成本效益的,可以检测,修改与介入,并始终与癫痫猝死或接近癫痫猝死相关联,这样的生物标记物(生物标记物组)有利于高危癫痫患者的预防和治疗。 项目1, 详细解释项目的计划方法,材料,人员,资源,进度,能生成数据,并有潜在的能力完成项目2和项目3。截止日期2016年10月10日下午11:59(美国东部时间)。 项目2,按照投资方的指示,中标方需要提交在体内、体外的数据和测试证明。截止日期2017年10月10日下午11:59(美国东部时间)。 项目3, 中标方必须记录他们的进展与季度报告。在体内的生物标记物的预测最终的验证数据。截止日期2020年10月10日下午11:59(美国东部时间)。 投标截止日期:2016年10月10日 投标地址:https://www.innocentive.com/ar/challenge/9933784

  • 2016-07-27

    抗体的引用,使药物的靶点进一步扩大治疗范围,改善了患者的预后效果。Boehringer Ingelheim公司试图寻找其他方法,它具有高电位治疗或调节人类疾病的治疗方法。这些模式应该在初始状态下展示哺乳动物细胞体外或体内的价值。 Boehringer Ingelheim公司会在投稿中选择一个合作伙伴,同时会奖励3个“质量”最高的稿件3000美金。 悬赏截止时间为2016年9月25日下午11:59止(美国东部时间)。 投标网址:https://www.innocentive.com/ar/challenge/9933874

  • 2016-06-28

    痤疮(粉刺)是一种慢性炎症性皮肤病,通常开始于青春期,其特点是在脸上的青春痘,也会出现在颈部和身体上。发作的痤疮往往可以成功地通过药物治疗和完善的日常护理方案调整皮肤类型。轻度和中低度痤疮用局部治疗方法,而中度至重度痤疮患者需要口服治疗。患者可能会遇到不必要的副作用,如皮肤刺激,甚至抗生素耐药性。未得到治疗的瘢点或控制不佳会导致永久性的疤痕、情感上的痛苦,心理焦虑和抑郁等问题。痤疮的医疗需求仍然未满足,特别是对那些不对应标准的护理疗法的人。因此寻找新的治疗方法,以改善痤疮患者的生活。 悬赏截止时间为2016年8月31日下午11:59止(美国东部时间)。 投标网址:https://www.innocentive.com/ar/challenge/9933873?challenge=9933873

  • 2016-05-23

    通常情况下,清洁假牙污渍,给假牙消毒是一系列费力又乏味的过程,如:取下假牙,用水冲洗,准备清洁剂,把假牙浸泡在清洁剂中,洗刷假牙,等等。 寻求一种高效清洁技术,能简化上述中一些复杂的过程,从而达到更高效的用户体验。如:把假牙放到清洁剂中,直接达到清洁的作用。 悬赏截止日期:2016年6月19日 投标网址:https://www.innocentive.com/ar/challenge/9933825 原文: Challenge Overview Maintaining dentures clean, free from stains and disinfected, requires a number of laborious and tedious procedures when they are out of the mouth. Removing the denture, rinsing the denture, preparing a cleaning solution, soaking and brushing the denture, are all tasks that have to be repeatedly performed and that consumers find cumbersome. A great improvement for consumer experience would be to have a highly efficient cleanser that would make denture care easier. Imagine for example a situation where it would be as simple as removing the denture and immersing it for a few seconds in a liquid solution – this would be a dream scenario. Therefore, the Seeker is seeking for novel alternative cleanser technologies that are be more consumer-friendly but still highly efficient. This is a Theoretical Challenge that requires only a written proposal to be submitted. The Challenge award will be contingent upon theoretical evaluation of the proposal by the Seeker. To receive an award, the Solvers will have to transfer to the Seeker their exclusive Intellectual Property (IP) rights to the solution. However, the Seeker will be willing to consider a licensing agreement for a partial award if exclusive IP cannot be transferred by the Solver. Submissions to this Challenge must be received by 11:59 PM (US Eastern Time) on June 19, 2016. Late submissions may not be considered. IMPORTANT NOTE: The Seeker for this Challenge requires additional Solver verification and due diligence. Please read carefully the respective sections in the Challenge Specific Agreement for further information or use your Project Room to ask a question.

  • 2016-05-20

    为进一步加强食品药品安全宣传教育,广泛普及饮食用药安全常识,全面提升社会公众食品药品安全知识水平,大力营造全社会共同关注、共同参与食品药品安全工作的良好氛围,省食品药品监督管理局即日起举办“吉林省首届食品药品科普创意大赛”,面向全社会征集食品药品科普创意作品。具体方案如下: 一、活动主题 食美药安,健康相伴 二、活动时间 2016年5月12日-2016年6月30日 三、组织机构 主办单位:吉林省食品药品监督管理局 承办单位:吉林省凤凰智业影视有限公司 媒体支持:吉林日报、吉林电视台、吉林人民广播电台、新文化报、城市晚报、东亚经贸新闻、手机报、新华网等。 四、 作品要求 (一) 作品主题 1、宣传食品、药品、保健食品、化妆品和医疗器械(“四品一械”)方面的法律法规和标准制度; 2、普及饮食用药安全常识,倡导科学理性健康消费观念; 3、宣扬“尚德守法”理念,增强食品药品生产经营者诚信守法的责任意识; 4、传播食品药品安全社会共治理念,鼓励社会各界通过12331举报食品药品违法违规行为,同心携手维护食品药品安全。 (二)作品类型 1、平面设计类 格式:.TIFF、.JPG 分辨率:500dpi 尺寸:210MM(宽)X297MM(高) 色彩模式:RGB 大小:单个文件不大于5MB 2、视频类 格式:不限形式,视频拍摄、FLASH、动画制作均可。 时长:30秒以上,2分钟以内。 分辨率:标清视频为720*576;高清视频为1920*1080。 大小:单个文件不大于100MB (三)内容要求 1、参与者可选择一个或多个食品药品安全主题进行创作,要求作品形象生动、通俗易懂、积极健康,具有一定科普功能。 2、参赛作品应观点正确,符合国家法律、法规、规章和社会道德规范,体现公共利益。 3、参赛作品要求原创,凡涉及抄袭、模仿等问题的作品不得参赛。作品的著作权、与作品相关的肖像权、名誉权等法律问题,由参赛者自行解决并承担责任。 五、参赛方式 (一)参赛报名 为及时掌握参赛情况,设置报名环节。登陆省局门户网站,进入大赛报名页,网上报名。 (二)作品报送 填写《参赛作品登记表》连同参赛作品一并发送至指定邮箱。在邮件主题上标注“科普创意大赛-类别-姓名”,如:视觉创意大赛-平面设计类-张三。 参赛作品不予退还,参赛者自留底稿。 六、奖项设置 平面设计类、视频类分别设置一、二、三等奖和优秀作品奖。 七、步骤安排 (一)前期推介 以30秒短视频及文字或图片形式在新闻媒体上对活动进行宣传,同时在《吉林食品药品安全报》、吉林省食品药品监督管理局门户网站网及微信公众平台推介。 (二)作品征集 收集整理参赛作品,并在门户网站展示。 (三)作品遴选 省局组织专家,围绕作品主题,按照公平、公正、公开的原则,对所有参赛作品进行审核,遴选出优秀作品。遴选标准: 1、创意精巧,主题鲜明; 2、时效性强,突出正能量; 3、具有视觉冲击力,适宜传播。 (四)结果公布 活动结束后,在省食品药品监督管理局网站和微信平台上公布获奖作品名单。 本次活动对征集作品具有合法使用权,作品将在指定媒体、网站及相关活动中公开展播或刊登,不另付稿酬。

  • 2016-05-19

    从成本效益角度出发,寻找一种可以大规模生产天然叶醇的制造技术。需要提供出参考资料,实验数据和样品。参考资料中需要列出技术需求,详细描述的实验数据,同时需要提供原材料的样品。 转让知识产权后,将收到赏金。 悬赏截止日期:2016年8月18日 投标网址:https://www.innocentive.com/ar/projectRoom/index?challenge=9933857 Challenge Overview Cis-3-hexenol (leaf alcohol) is a fragrant compound naturally produced by plants. Its characteristic odor has made it a highly successful natural green compound in the flavor and fragrance industry. High demand for this ingredient makes it a constant challenge for the industry to develop processes that can, at a low production cost per kg, allow for the consistent, sustainable and high-quality manufacturing of multi tones of this product. Hence, the Seeker is challenging scientists and technologists to come up with whole processes (from production to downstream processing) to meet this need. Please read the Detailed Description section to learn about the technical requirements that your proposed process should meet. The submission to the Challenge should include the following: 1. The detailed description of the proposed Solution addressing specific Technical Requirements presented in the Detailed Description of the Challenge. This description should be accompanied by a well-articulated rationale supported by literature/patent precedents. 2. Experimental data obtained as outlined in the Detailed Description of the Challenge (and/or delivery of a material sample of the product if requested by the Seeker). The Challenge award is contingent upon theoretical evaluation and experimental validation on a 15 L pilot scale of the submitted Solutions by the Seeker. To receive an award, the Solvers will have to transfer to the Seeker their exclusive Intellectual Property (IP) rights to the solution. Submissions to this Challenge must be received by 11:59 PM (US Eastern Time) on August 18, 2016. Late submissions will not be considered.

  • 2016-05-18

    控制体内血糖水平是成功治疗许多疾病的关键,如糖尿病。 因此, Novo Nordisk公司正在寻找新的小分子,它可以于D-葡萄糖的生理集合密切结合 (持续的取代,Kd,低毫摩尔范围) 悬赏须提交概念性实验数据报告和样品,Novo Nordisk公司将决定最终得奖者,并颁发起始奖金200000美金。 另外Novo Nordisk公司将提议基于里程碑式的合约,如果分子式在未来悬赏中得到成功研发,将会得到二次奖项。 悬赏截止时期2017年1月9日, 投标网址:https://www.innocentive.com/ar/projectRoom/index?challenge=9933823 原文: Novo Nordisk Challenge: Design and Synthesis of a Small Molecule Glucose Binder TAGS: Chemistry, Life Sciences, Royal Society of Chemistry, RTP AWARD: $200,000 USD | DEADLINE: 1/09/17 | ACTIVE SOLVERS: 145 | POSTED: 3/30/16 The control of glucose levels in the body is key for successful treatment of many disease states such as diabetes. Hence, Novo Nordisk is looking for novel small molecules that can bind with affinities matching the physiological concentrations of D-glucose (displacement constant, Kd, in the low millimolar range). This is a Reduction-to-Practice Challenge that requires written documentation, experimental proof-of-concept data, and sample delivery. Additionally, the Challenge has the following unique features.Please read carefully the Challenge-Specific Agreement. • Solvers are asked to prepare the compound and perform binding affinity assays to glucose in aqueous solution under conditions described in the Challenge Description. The compounds must also be supplied to Novo Nordisk in sufficient amounts to reproduce the results. Upon experimental validation of the results, Novo Nordisk will make an award (‘Initial Transfer Fee’) of $200,000 to the best solution as solely determined by the Seeker, according to the Challenge requirements. The Awarded Solver grants Novo Nordisk an exclusive license under the terms described in the Challenge-Specific Agreement. • Additionally, Novo Nordisk will offer a milestone-based agreement to the Solver, establishing the terms of payment of anadditional award (‘Secondary Award’), should the small molecule be successful in its development post-Challenge(‘Second Evaluation Period’), in exchange for the assignment of exclusive IP rights to the Seeker. Source: InnoCentive Challenge ID: 9933823 Sign Agreement For This Challenge By electronically signing the agreement below, you are indicating your intention to view the details of this specific InnoCentive Challenge. Viewing the Challenge Details does not obligate you to perform any work on this challenge. Print this Agreement for your records InnoCentive RTP Challenge-Specific Agreement Please Read This Carefully! You and InnoCentive are agreeing to a Challenge-Specific Solver Agreement for this particular InnoCentive Challenge only, as permitted in the Terms of Use. The Seeker for this InnoCentive Challenge has required that you accept these special terms, so please take the time to understand them. If you click \\\\\\\\"I agree\\\\\\\\" and proceed to the Project Room for this InnoCentive Challenge, this Challenge-Specific Agreement (\\\\\\\\"CSA\\\\\\\\") will be a valid and binding agreement for all purposes relating to this InnoCentive Challenge and in addition to your agreement to abide by the Terms of Use when you registered as a Solver. Please print and keep a copy of this CSA. No provisions you may have agreed to that are specific to any other individual InnoCentive Challenge will apply. 1. Your Responsibility to Avoid Obstacles. InnoCentive needs to know that if you solve the InnoCentive Challenge there will not be any legal obstacles to completing the license or sale of your rights to InnoCentive and subsequently to Seeker, which is the only way that you can receive the Initial Transfer Fee or the Secondary Award. You agree to be responsible for avoiding any legal obstacles to transferring the Proposed Solution and the associated work product (altogether, the “Work Product”) as well as all related Intellectual Property (altogether, the \\\\\\\\"Solution IP\\\\\\\\") if you submit a Proposed Solution chosen as a winning Solution. You will not receive an Initial Transfer Fee or Secondary Award if you cannot transfer the Solution IP. 2. Your Guarantee. You agree that if and when the time comes to assign and transfer the Solution IP, you will give a guarantee (the \\\\\\\\"Guarantee\\\\\\\\") that the assignment and transfer is lawful in exchange for the one-time payment of the Initial Transfer Fee or the Secondary Award to you alone, and that no consents, approvals or contracts that you did not already have before starting the InnoCentive Challenge are necessary from or with anyone else, such as: a. Your employer; b. Any former employer or other entity you are or have been associated with or have a contract with regarding Intellectual Property you develop; c. Anyone collaborating with you on the development of the Solution IP; d. Anyone else whose Intellectual Property you use or incorporate in the Solution IP; e. Any government official, regulatory body or other authority (for example, if any of the Solution IP is within the scope of a technology export control law in your country prohibiting its transfer to InnoCentive in the United States, or if the required assignments or licenses of the Solution IP are otherwise subject to public registration, review and/or approval) f. The holder of any lien (for example, if a bank or other creditor has obtained a mortgage or security interest in any of the Solution IP); g. Anyone who may be entitled to royalties or other payments relating to any of the Solution IP either by law or contract. 3. Your Obligations to Protect Potential Solution IP. In order to be eligible for an Initial Transfer Fee or the Secondary Award, during the period from when you begin work on the InnoCentive Challenge until the expiration of the First Evaluation Period or the Second Evaluation Period, as applicable, as set forth in the Challenge Statement, you shall not: a. Grant away any rights in the Work Product, Intellectual Property or Proposed Solution you are developing (\\\\\\\\"Potential Solution IP\\\\\\\\"), or do anything else that would prevent you from granting the rights to Seeker in accordance with this CSA; b. Reveal to any third party, except on terms of strict confidentiality, any information that relates to Potential Solution IP or do anything else likely to impair any of the Potential Solution IP; or c. Do anything that would cause the failure of your Guarantee. 4. Exclusivity Period. By submitting your Proposed Solution you agree to grant to InnoCentive and the Seeker for a period of 60 days from the later of the deadline set forth in the InnoCentive Challenge Statement or Seeker’s receipt of a sample of the Proposed Solution (the \\\\\\\\"First Evaluation Period\\\\\\\\") an exclusive, worldwide license to use, copy, distribute and create derivative works of the Proposed Solution and Solution IP for purposes of review, analysis and testing the Proposed Solution. If Seeker within the First Evaluation Period notifies InnoCentive of any Proposed Solution that Seeker has determined shall be a winning Solution that will be awarded the Initial Transfer Fee, you further grant to InnoCentive and Seeker (i) an exclusive, fully-paid license to use, copy, distribute and create derivative works of the Proposed Solution and Solution IP for its internal testing and non-commercial use for a period of 12-36 months from payment of the Initial Transfer Fee (the “Second Evaluation Period”), and (ii) an exclusive option (the “Option”) to negotiate with the Solver in good faith to fully acquire any and all exclusive rights to the Proposed Solution and Solution IP by paying to you the Secondary Award (collectively, these exclusive rights and the option are referred to as the “Exclusive Rights”). The Second Evaluation Period will initially be 12 months, but Seeker shall have the option to extend the Second Evaluation Period twice, each time by additional 12 months, providing for a maximum period of 36 months. If Seeker decides to extend the Second Evaluation Period beyond the initial 12 months, Seeker will pay to Solver a one-time only “Secondary Evaluation Period Extension Fee” of [$20,000]. If Seeker decides not to use the Option and pay the Secondary Award, the “Secondary Evaluation Period Extension Fee” will not be refundable. If Seeker decides to use the Option and pays to Solver the Secondary Award, the option payment will be deducted from the Secondary Award. InnoCentive will make reasonable efforts to transmit relevant Proposed Solutions to Seeker, however, nothing herein shall be construed as requiring InnoCentive to transmit every Proposed Solution submitted in response to an InnoCentive Challenge to a Seeker. In addition, by submitting your Proposed Solution you thereby agree to provide reasonable assistance and additional information concerning Work Product and your Proposed Solution to InnoCentive or the Seeker during the First Evaluation Period and Second Evaluation Period, if requested. By granting the Exclusive Rights you agree that during the First Evaluation Period and Second Evaluation Period (and thereafter, if the Option is exercised), you are prohibited from (x) using, the Proposed Solution or the Solution IP or (y) disclosing to or granting or assigning or transferring any rights to a third party to use the Proposed Solution or the Solution IP for any purpose, including the application for patents or similar intellectual property rights. 5. Acceptance of Proposed Solution and Transfer of Intellectual Property. InnoCentive will notify you within a commercially reasonable period of time after the deadline set forth in the InnoCentive Challenge Statement and before the expiry of the First Evaluation Period whether a Seeker accepts your Proposed Solution and wishes to exercise its right to extend the evaluation process into the Second Evaluation Period (\\\\\\\\"Acceptance\\\\\\\\"). For purposes of this Agreement, \\\\\\\\"Acceptance\\\\\\\\" shall mean the selection of your Proposed Solution by the Seeker as meeting the Solution Acceptance Criteria as set forth in the InnoCentive Challenge Statement. The Seeker has absolute and sole discretion to determine whether to Accept your Proposed Solution, or any Proposed Solution, and whether to make an Initial Transfer Fee or the Secondary Award, multiple Initial Transfer Fee or the Secondary Awards or any Initial Transfer Fee or the Secondary Award. Solver acknowledges and agrees that InnoCentive is not responsible for and has no liability for selection of a winning solver, if any. Solver further agrees to hold InnoCentive legally harmless in regard to selection of a winning solver, if any. Solver agrees to hold InnoCentive legally harmless for any advice it may provide as to the quality or suitability of submitted solutions and agrees to waive any claim against InnoCentive for Solver\\\\\\\'s failure to win an award. The meeting of the Solution Acceptance Criteria does not mean that the Proposed Solution will be Accepted by a Seeker. In the event that your Proposed Solution is not Accepted within the First Evaluation Period, the Exclusive Rights will terminate without further notice to you. Upon Acceptance of your Proposed Solution by a Seeker and payment of a Secondary Award to you (see \\\\\\\\"Payments\\\\\\\\"), you hereby assign and convey to Seeker all rights, title, and interests in and to the Proposed Solution, the Solution IP and any Work Product that are related to the InnoCentive Challenge, and you retain no rights to the Proposed Solution, the Solution IP or the Work Product insofar as they are related to the InnoCentive Challenge. In the event that the Work Product cannot be assigned and conveyed under statutory law, you herewith grant to Seeker a worldwide, unlimited, perpetual, irrevocable, and exclusive license to use, make, have made, market, copy, modify, lease, sell, distribute, and create derivative works of the Work Product (all such rights collectively referred to as \\\\\\\\"Intellectual Property\\\\\\\\") . If you utilize any processes in development of the Work Product which are the subject of patent rights owned by you, you agree to grant to InnoCentive a worldwide, non-exclusive, perpetual, royalty-free right and license to practice any patented processes used in the Work Product, including the right to assign the foregoing license to Seekers. Furthermore, you agree that you will, during the term of this Agreement and at any time thereafter, execute all papers and do all things deemed necessary by InnoCentive or a Seeker to ensure that InnoCentive and the Seeker acquires all rights, title, and interests in and to the Proposed Solution and any Work Product that are related to the InnoCentive Challenge, including the rights to all Intellectual Property embodied therein, and that ensures that all such rights are transferred to Seeker. Such cooperation and execution shall be performed without additional compensation to you; provided, however, InnoCentive shall reimburse you for reasonable out-of-pocket expenses incurred at the specific request of InnoCentive. Upon payment of the Secondary Award, or termination of the Exclusive Rights for any reason, there will be no further obligations between you and InnoCentive or the Seeker with respect to the Proposed Solution, the Work Product, or the InnoCentive Challenge, except for the limitations on use and disclosure described under \\\\\\\\"Confidentiality\\\\\\\\", below. 6. Payments. If a Seeker Accepts your Proposed Solution, the payment amount (called an “Initial Transfer Fee” or a \\\\\\\\"Secondary Award\\\\\\\\") specified in the InnoCentive Challenge posted on the Service by a Seeker (or, in the case of partial payments of any of the awards, a \\\\\\\\"Revised Award Amount\\\\\\\\", if applicable) shall be paid to you by InnoCentive within thirty (30) days after occurrence of each of the following: 1) you are notified by lnnoCentive of your Proposed Solution’s Acceptance, and 2) the completion of certain verification procedures by InnoCentive, and review and acceptance of such results by Seeker, and 3) InnoCentive’s receipt of award payment from the Seeker. Payment of any award is conditioned upon your cooperation with InnoCentive\\\\\\\'s verification procedures. The award will be paid to you locally, in U.S. Dollars, or if required by your local law, in your local currency equivalent based on the foreign exchange rate in effect on the date of the disbursement by InnoCentive. InnoCentive is not responsible for payment of any award, or any part of any award, to any party other than to the Solver through whom the Proposed Solution was submitted to the Service. You understand that the award represents a complete payment, net of any local taxes that InnoCentive may be required to withhold, for any Accepted Proposed Solution and that you are not entitled to any other compensation of any kind. If local law does not require withholding of taxes, all taxes on awards shall be your sole responsibility. 7. Escrows. The transfers of Solution IP and the Initial Transfer Fee or Secondary Award or any Revised Award Amount (as determined by Seeker) will be in escrow as follows: a. Your transfer of the Solution IP will be to InnoCentive as escrow agent for the Seeker. The Solution IP will be released from this escrow and transferred to the Seeker upon the occurrence of (a) the completion of InnoCentive\\\\\\\'s verification of you; (b) the Seeker\\\\\\\'s payment of the Initial Transfer Fee or Secondary Award to InnoCentive; and (c) the Seeker\\\\\\\'s payment of any other fees of InnoCentive pursuant to the separate agreement between Seeker and InnoCentive. b. The Seeker\\\\\\\'s payment of the Initial Transfer Fee or Secondary Award will be to InnoCentive as escrow agent for you. The Initial Transfer Fee or Secondary Award will be released from this escrow and transferred to you as soon as payment is due to you. 8. Confidentiality. During the term of this Agreement and at all times thereafter, you shall not disclose to any third party nor use for any purpose other than for the performance of this Agreement, any Confidential Information (as defined below) without the express written consent of the owner of the Confidential Information. These confidentiality obligations shall not apply to Confidential Information which: (a) is in the public domain, or which was publicly known or available on the date you originally accepted this Agreement (\\\\\\\\"Effective Date\\\\\\\\"); or (b) after the Effective Date becomes available to the public in a manner not involving a breach of any duty under this Agreement. Nothing herein shall preclude the ultimate disclosure of any information required by law. \\\\\\\\"Confidential Information\\\\\\\\" includes: • All information set forth in the password protected areas of the Service (\\\\\\\\"Service Information\\\\\\\\"), (the presentation of Service Information via the Service shall not be deemed to be a public disclosure for purposes of this Agreement and shall not operate as an exclusion from Confidential Information); and • During the First Evaluation Period or Second Evaluation Period and after Acceptance and exercise of an Option relating to a InnoCentive Challenge, any Work Product, Solution IP or Proposed Solution relating to said InnoCentive Challenge. The same restrictions on disclosure and use of Confidential Information described in this Section shall apply to the use or disclosure by InnoCentive and Seekers of any Work Product, Solution IP or Proposed Solution during the Exclusivity Period and, if the Proposed Solution is not accepted, thereafter, unless the Proposed Solution, Solution IP or Work Product can be shown by business records of Seeker or InnoCentive to (1) have been known to them previously; (2) is independently created by personnel of Seeker or InnoCentive who had no access to the Proposed Solution, Solution IP or the Work Product; or (3) is subject to the exceptions to Confidentiality in (a) or (b) of this section; provided, however, notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing in this Solver Agreement shall prevent a Seeker from utilizing a winning Solution, for which a Secondary Award has been paid, to the extent that a winning Solution and any rejected Proposed Solution contain overlapping Work Product or Solution IP. 9. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, you recognize that other persons may have provided Seeker or others, or made public, or may in the future submit, or make public, materials that are the same or similar to your Proposed Solution. You acknowledge and agree that Seeker shall have the right to use such same or similar materials, and that you will not be entitled to any compensation arising from Seeker\\\\\\\'s use of such materials. 10. General Conditions: InnoCentive and/or Seeker has the right to verify each Solver\\\\\\\'s eligibility and compliance with this CSA, and to eliminate any Solver, or terminate any Solver\\\\\\\'s registration on the basis of its investigation. Participation is conditioned on providing the data required on the online registration form. Personal data will be processed in accordance with InnoCentive\\\\\\\'s Privacy Policy which can be located athttp://www.innocentive.com/privacy.php. Solvers should direct any request to access, update, or correct information to InnoCentive. Neither InnoCentive nor Seeker is responsible for human error, theft, destruction, or damage to Proposed Solutions, or other factors beyond its reasonable control. Seeker reserves the immediate right to disqualify any Solver who, in InnoCentive\\\\\\\'s sole discretion: (i) is not in compliance with the Terms of Use or this CSA, (ii) tampers with the submission process, the Challenge, or the Website; or (iii) is acting in an uncooperative, unsportsmanlike, disruptive, abusive, or threatening manner. 11. Third Party Beneficiary. You and InnoCentive acknowledge and agree that any Seeker shall be a third- party beneficiary of this Agreement, and each shall have the right to assert and enforce the provisions of this Agreement directly on its own behalf. 12. Conflict. In the case of any conflict between the terms of this CSA and the Terms of Use, this CSA controls.

  • 2016-05-18

    Boehringer Ingelheim公司寻找一种有机小分子,能够安全使用,没有生物活性,或非常温和的生物活性,能够显示细胞的渗透性,并且在长期口服的情况下能够达到高血药浓度。 有机小分子常见于:药物化学,内科医师,配方科学(盖仑制剂),药剂学,药理学等领域。 有机小分子不常见于 :动物医疗,农业科学,食物化学,营养学,化妆品,或其他等领域。 投标截止时期2016年6月26日, 投标网址:https://www.innocentive.com/ar/projectRoom/index?challenge=9933854 Seeking Safe Drug-like Small Organic Molecules for Human Use with Negligible Biological Effects TAGS: Chemistry, Life Sciences, Food/Agriculture, Royal Society of Chemistry, Ideation AWARD: $20,000 USD | DEADLINE: 6/26/16 | ACTIVE SOLVERS: 106 | POSTED: 4/27/16 Boehringer Ingelheim (The Seeker) is interested in small organic molecules that are safe for human use, show no, or very mild, biological activity, display cell permeability, and achieve high concentrations (µM) in the plasma when chronically administered via the oral route. This is an Ideation Challenge with a guaranteed award for at least one submitted solution. Source: InnoCentive Challenge ID: 9933854 Sign Agreement For This Challenge By electronically signing the agreement below, you are indicating your intention to view the details of this specific InnoCentive Challenge. Viewing the Challenge Details does not obligate you to perform any work on this challenge. Print this Agreement for your records InnoCentive Ideation Challenge-Specific Agreement Please Read This Carefully! You and InnoCentive are agreeing to a Challenge-Specific Solver Agreement for this particular InnoCentive Ideation Challenge only. The Seeker for this InnoCentive Challenge has required that you accept these special terms, so please take the time to understand them. If you click \\"I agree\\" and proceed to the Project Room for this InnoCentive Challenge, this Challenge-Specific Agreement (\\"CSA\\") will be a valid and binding agreement between you and InnoCentive and in addition to the existing Terms of Use for all purposes relating to this InnoCentive Challenge. Please print and keep a copy of this CSA. No provisions you may have agreed to that are specific to any other individual InnoCentive Challenge will apply. 1. Proposed Solutions. As a Solver you may submit to InnoCentive your idea (your \\"Proposed Solution\\") to the InnoCentive Ideation Challenge to which this CSA relates (\\"InnoCentive Challenge®\\"). InnoCentive will make reasonable efforts to transmit Proposed Solutions to Seekers, however, nothing herein shall be construed as requiring InnoCentive to transmit every Proposed Solution on an InnoCentive Challenge to a Seeker. In addition, by submitting your Proposed Solution you thereby agree to provide reasonable assistance and additional information concerning your Proposed Solution to InnoCentive or the Seeker, if requested. 2. Acceptance of Proposed Solution and License to Use.InnoCentive will notify you within a commercially reasonable period of time after the end of the Time Period set forth in the Challenge Statement whether your Proposed Solution has been selected by Seeker for an Award. The Seeker will judge all Proposed Solutions against the guidelines set out in the Challenge Statement and determine, in its sole discretion, which Proposed Solution best addresses the Challenge Statement guidelines. The Seeker has absolute and sole discretion to determine whether to accept your Proposed Solution, or any Proposed Solution, and whether to make an Award, or multiple Awards. Solver acknowledges and agrees that InnoCentive is not responsible for and has no liability for selection of a winning solver. Solver further agrees to hold InnoCentive legally harmless in regard to selection of a winning solver. Solver agrees to hold InnoCentive legally harmless for any advice it may provide as to the quality or suitability of submitted solutions and agrees to waive any claim against InnoCentive for Solver\'s failure to win an award. The meeting of the Challenge Statement guidelines does not automatically mean that the Proposed Solution will be eligible for an Award. Proposed Solutions must NOT contain or include ideas, concepts, solutions or technology in respect of which a third party owns or controls the intellectual property. Proposed Solutions and descriptions thereof may not include trademarks or trade names of corporations or entities without the permission of their owners. By entering, you represent and warrant that: • your entire Proposed Solution is an original work by you and you have not included third-party content (such as writing, text, graphics, artwork, logos, photographs, dialogue from plays, likeness of any third party, musical recordings, clips of videos, television programs or motion pictures) in or in connection with your Proposed Solution, unless (a) otherwise requested by the Seeker and/or disclosed by you in your Proposed Solution, and (b) you have either obtained the rights to use such third-party content or the content of the Proposed Solution is considered in the public domain without any limitations on use; • no person or entity other than you has any right, title or interest in any part of your Proposed Solution; • unless otherwise disclosed in the Proposed Solution, the use thereof by Seeker, or the exercise by Seeker of any of the rights granted by you under this Agreement, does not and will not infringe or violate any rights of any third party or entity, including, without limitation patent, copyright, trademark, trade secret, defamation, privacy, publicity, false light, misappropriation, intentional or negligent infliction of emotional distress, confidentiality, or any contractual or other rights; • you have all the rights, licenses, permissions and consents necessary to submit the Proposed Solution and to grant all of the rights that you have granted to Seeker hereunder, including the right for Seeker to use and develop derivative works of and from the Proposed Solution; • all persons who were engaged by you to work on the Proposed Solution or who appear in the Proposed Solution in any manner have: a. given you their express written consent to submit the Proposed Solution for unlimited, royalty-free use, exhibition and other exploitation in any manner and in any and all media, whether now existing or hereafter discovered, throughout the world, in perpetuity; b. provided written permission to include their name, image or pictures in or with your Proposed Solution (or if a minor who is not your child, you must have the permission of their parent or legal guardian) and you may be asked by Seeker to provide permission in writing; c. no claims for payment of any kind, including, without limitation, for royalties or residuals, has no approval or consultation rights or any rights of participation arising out of any use, exhibition or other exploitation of the Proposed Solution; and d. not been and are not currently under any union or guild agreement that results in any ongoing obligations resulting from the use, exhibition or other exploitation of the Proposed Solution; and • you understand, recognize and accept that Seeker has access to, may create or has created materials and ideas which may be similar or identical to the Proposed Solution in concept, theme, idea, format or other respects. You acknowledge and agree that Seeker shall have the right to use such same or similar materials, and that you will not be entitled to any compensation arising from Seeker\'s use of such materials. In the event that your entry is identical or similar to the Proposed Solution of another Solver, Seeker reserves the right, at the sole discretion of the Seeker, to either score one Proposed Solution higher than the other subject to the Challenge Statement guidelines or to randomly choose a Proposed Solution from all of those submitted which respond to the Challenge Statement guidelines. By entering, you agree that: (i) all Proposed Solutions become Seeker\'s property and will not be returned; (ii) Seeker (and its authorized representatives) have the unlimited right to alter and/or edit the Proposed Solution or any part or element thereof; and (iii) Seeker and its licensees, successors and assigns have the right to use any and all Proposed Solutions, and the names, likenesses, voices and images of all persons appearing in the Proposed Solution, for future advertising, promotion and publicity in any manner and in any medium now known or hereafter devised throughout the world in perpetuity. All intellectual property rights, if any, in the idea or concept demonstrated by the Proposed Solution will remain with the Solver. By submitting a Proposed Solution to this Challenge, each Solver agrees to grant to the Seeker a royalty free, non-exclusive license in respect of all such intellectual property rights, if any, for the purposes of commercial exploitation of the idea or concept demonstrated by the Proposed Solution. Notwithstanding granting the Seeker a perpetual, non-exclusive license for the PROPOSED SOLUTION, The Solver retains ownership of the PROPOSED SOLUTION. Please also be aware that your Proposed Solution may not be acknowledged and will not be received or held \\"in confidence\\" and your Proposed Solution does not create a confidential relationship or obligation of secrecy between you and any of the entities involved in this Challenge. 3. Payments. If a Seeker Accepts your Proposed Solution, the payment amount (called an \\"Award\\") specified in the InnoCentive Challenge posted on the Service by a Seeker (or, in the case of partial payments of Awards, a \\"Revised Award Amount\\", if applicable) shall be paid to you by InnoCentive within thirty (30) days after occurrence of each of the following: 1) you are notified by lnnoCentive of your Proposed Solution’s Acceptance, and 2) the completion of certain verification procedures by InnoCentive, and review and acceptance of such results by Seeker, and 3) InnoCentive’s receipt of Award payment from the Seeker. Payment of any Award is conditioned upon your cooperation with InnoCentive\'s verification procedures. The Award will be paid to you locally, in U.S. Dollars, or if required by your local law, in your local currency equivalent based on the foreign exchange rate in effect on the date of the disbursement by InnoCentive. InnoCentive is not responsible for payment of any Award, or any part of any Award, to any party other than to the Solver through whom the Proposed Solution was submitted to the Service. You understand that the Award represents a complete payment, net of any local taxes that InnoCentive may be required to withhold, for any Accepted Proposed Solution and that you are not entitled to any other compensation of any kind. If local law does not require withholding of taxes, all taxes on Awards shall be your sole responsibility. 4. GENERAL CONDITIONS. Seeker has the right to verify each Solver\'s eligibility and compliance with this CSA. The Seeker is a third-party beneficiary of this CSA, with the right to enforce the terms and conditions hereof directly against you. Participation is conditioned on providing the data required on the online registration form. Personal data will be processed in accordance with InnoCentive\'s Privacy Policy which can be located athttp://www.innocentive.com/privacy.php. Solvers should direct any request to access, update, or correct information to InnoCentive. Neither InnoCentive nor Seeker is responsible for human error, theft, destruction, or damage to Proposed Solutions, or other factors beyond its reasonable control. Solvers should not register with multiple e-mail and/or street addresses. In the event of a dispute as to any Proposed Solution, the authorized account holder of the email address used to enter will be deemed to be the person who submitted the Proposed Solution. The authorized \\"account holder\\" is the natural person assigned an email address by an Internet access provider, online service provider or other organization responsible for assigning email addresses for the domain associated with the submitted address. 5. Representations and Warranties. You represent and warrant that: • All information provided by you regarding yourself and, if applicable, your business (\\"Solver Information\\") is true, accurate, current, and complete information and you will maintain and update the Solver Information to keep it true, accurate, current and complete. • If you are an individual representing a business or other entity, you are authorized to enter into this Agreement on behalf of that business or entity. • Unless otherwise disclosed in the Proposed Solution, you are the owner of the Proposed Solution and the Proposed Solution does not infringe or violate any patent, copyright, trade secret, trademark or other third-party intellectual property right. • You have the right to grant the license in the Proposed Solution as required by Section 2 of this CSA. 6. Conflict. In the case of any conflict between the terms of this CSA and the Terms of Use, this CSA controls.

  • 2016-05-18

    碳酸氢钠是预防初期牙龈炎的一种活性成分,它存在各种牙膏中。当碳酸氢钠高浓度存在于牙膏中,非常咸的味道会令人不愉快。 悬赏任务是,在高浓度碳酸氢钠牙膏中,寻找一种掩盖咸味道的技术。 悬赏截止时期2016年7月31日, 投标网址:https://www.innocentive.com/ar/projectRoom/index?challenge=9933826 Masking Salty Taste TAGS: Royal Society of Chemistry, Chemistry, Food/Agriculture, Life Sciences, RTP AWARD: See details | DEADLINE: 7/31/16 | ACTIVE SOLVERS: 94 | POSTED: 5/05/16 Sodium bicarbonate is a salt that is used as an ingredient in various products for many applications across various industries. It has a particularly strong salty taste, hence in applications where it is ingested, the salty flavour is pronounced. That is the case in toothpastes, where the beneficial gum protection effect that sodium bicarbonate delivers is overshadowed by the unpleasant salty taste that is felt by consumers, making such toothpastes unpopular. Do you have a technology that can mask the salty taste and make it imperceptible in toothpastes? This is a Reduction-to-Practice Challenge that requires written documentation, experimental proof-of-concept data, and, if requested by the Seeker, sample delivery. Source: InnoCentive Challenge ID: 9933826 Sign Agreement For This Challenge By electronically signing the agreement below, you are indicating your intention to view the details of this specific InnoCentive Challenge. Viewing the Challenge Details does not obligate you to perform any work on this challenge. Print this Agreement for your records InnoCentive RTP Challenge-Specific Agreement Please Read This Carefully! You and InnoCentive are agreeing to a Challenge-Specific Solver Agreement for this particular InnoCentive Challenge only, as permitted in the Terms of Use. The Seeker for this InnoCentive Challenge has required that you accept these special terms, so please take the time to understand them. If you click \\"I agree\\" and proceed to the Project Room for this InnoCentive Challenge, this Challenge-Specific Agreement (\\"CSA\\") will be a valid and binding agreement for all purposes relating to this InnoCentive Challenge and in addition to your agreement to abide by the Terms of Use when you registered as a Solver. Please print and keep a copy of this CSA. No provisions you may have agreed to that are specific to any other individual InnoCentive Challenge will apply. 1. Your Responsibility to Avoid Obstacles. InnoCentive needs to know that if you solve the InnoCentive Challenge there will not be any legal obstacles to completing the sale of your rights to InnoCentive, which is the only way that you can receive the Award. You agree to be responsible for avoiding obstacles to transferring all Intellectual Property and Work Product (altogether, the \\"Solution IP\\") if you submit a Proposed Solution chosen as a winning Solution.You will not receive an Award if you cannot transfer the Solution IP. 2. Your Guarantee. You agree that if and when the time comes to transfer the Solution IP, you will give a guarantee (the \\"Guarantee\\") that the transfer is lawful in exchange for the one-time payment of the Award to you alone, and that no consents, approvals or contracts that you did not already have before starting the InnoCentive Challenge are necessary from or with anyone else, such as: a. Your employer; b. Any former employer or other entity you are or have been associated with or have a contract with regarding Intellectual Property you develop; c. Anyone collaborating with you on the development of the Solution IP; d. Anyone else whose Intellectual Property you use or incorporate in the Solution IP; e. Any government official, regulatory body or other authority (for example, if any of the Solution IP is within the scope of a technology export control law in your country prohibiting its transfer to InnoCentive in the United States, or if the required assignments or licenses of the Solution IP are otherwise subject to public registration, review and/or approval) f. The holder of any lien (for example, if a bank or other creditor has obtained a mortgage or security interest in any of the Solution IP); g. Anyone who may be entitled to royalties or other payments relating to any of the Solution IP either by law or contract. 3. Your Obligations to Protect Potential Solution IP. In order to be eligible for an Award, during the period from when you begin work on the InnoCentive Challenge until the expiration of the Time Period as set forth in the Challenge Statement, you shall not: a. Grant away any rights in the Work Product or Proposed Solution you are developing (\\"Potential Solution IP\\"), or do anything else that would prevent you from granting the Option for the Exclusivity Period; b. Reveal to any third party, except on terms of strict confidentiality, any information that relates to Potential Solution IP or do anything else likely to impair any of the Potential Solution IP; or c. Do anything that would cause the failure of your Guarantee. 4. Exclusivity Period. By submitting your Proposed Solution you agree to grant to InnoCentive and the Seeker the following rights, for a period of 180 days (the \\"Exclusivity Period\\") from the deadline set forth in the InnoCentive Challenge Statement (the \\"Deadline\\"): (a) an exclusive option to acquire exclusive rights to the Proposed Solution for use in connection with the InnoCentive Challenge (the \\"Option\\"), as described in this Agreement, and (b) a non-exclusive, worldwide license to use, copy, distribute and create derivative works of the Work Product for purposes of review, analysis and testing the Proposed Solution, (collectively, these nonexclusive rights and the Option are referred to as the \\"Exclusive Option Rights\\"). InnoCentive will make reasonable efforts to transmit relevant Proposed Solutions to Seekers, however, nothing herein shall be construed as requiring InnoCentive to transmit every Proposed Solution submitted in response to an InnoCentive Challenge to a Seeker. In addition, by submitting your Proposed Solution you thereby agree to provide reasonable assistance and additional information concerning Work Product and your Proposed Solution to InnoCentive or the Seeker during the Exclusivity Period, if requested. By granting the Exclusive Option Rights you agree that during the Exclusivity Period (and thereafter, if the Option is exercised), you are prohibited from (x) using, the Proposed Solution or the Work Product or (y) disclosing to or granting or assigning or transferring any rights to a third party to use the Proposed Solution or the Work Product for any purpose, including the application for patents or similar intellectual property rights. 5. Validation of Winners. Once the Shortlist of Proposed Solutions has been selected, additional due diligence checks will take place prior to any final Awards being issued. These may include (but are not limited to) completion of a conflict of interest questionnaire, anti-bribery, anti-corruption, human rights screening, and checks to ensure the information provided in the application is genuine. The Seeker is only able to grant the Awards if all the criteria and due diligence checks are completed satisfactorily in the opinion of the Seeker. 6. Acceptance of Proposed Solution and Transfer of Intellectual Property. InnoCentive will notify you within a commercially reasonable period of time after the Deadline and before the termination of the Exclusivity Period whether a Seeker accepts your Proposed Solution and wishes to exercise an Option (\\"Acceptance\\"). For purposes of this Agreement, \\"Acceptance\\" shall mean the selection of your Proposed Solution by the Seeker as meeting the Solution Acceptance Criteria as set forth in the InnoCentive Challenge Statement. The Seeker has absolute and sole discretion to determine whether to Accept your Proposed Solution, or any Proposed Solution, and whether to make an Award, multiple Awards or any Award. Solver acknowledges and agrees that InnoCentive is not responsible for and has no liability for selection of a winning solver, if any. Solver further agrees to hold InnoCentive legally harmless in regard to selection of a winning solver, if any. Solver agrees to hold InnoCentive legally harmless for any advice it may provide as to the quality or suitability of submitted solutions and agrees to waive any claim against InnoCentive for Solver\'s failure to win an award. The meeting of the Solution Acceptance Criteria does not mean that the Proposed Solution will be Accepted by a Seeker. In the event that your Proposed Solution is not Accepted within the Exclusivity Period, the Exclusive Option Rights will terminate without further notice to you. Upon Acceptance of your Proposed Solution by a Seeker and payment of an Award to you (see \\"Payments\\"), you hereby assign and convey to InnoCentive all rights, title, and interests in and to the Proposed Solution and any Work Product that are related to the InnoCentive Challenge, and you retain no rights to the Proposed Solution or the Work Product insofar as they are related to the InnoCentive Challenge. In the event that the Work Product cannot be assigned and conveyed under statutory law, you herewith grant to InnoCentive a worldwide, unlimited, perpetual, irrevocable, and exclusive license to use, make, have made, market, copy, modify, lease, sell, distribute, and create derivative works of the Work Product, including the right to assign the foregoing license to Seekers (all such rights collectively referred to as \\"Intellectual Property\\") . If you utilize any processes in development of the Work Product which are the subject of patent rights owned by you, you agree to grant to InnoCentive a worldwide, non-exclusive, perpetual, royalty-free right and license to practice any patented processes used in the Work Product, including the right to assign the foregoing license to Seekers. Furthermore, you agree that you will, during the term of this Agreement and at any time thereafter, execute all papers and do all things deemed necessary by InnoCentive or a Seeker to ensure that InnoCentive and the Seeker acquires all rights, title, and interests in and to the Proposed Solution and any Work Product that are related to the InnoCentive Challenge, including the rights to all Intellectual Property embodied therein, and that ensures that all such rights are transferred to Seeker. Such cooperation and execution shall be performed without additional compensation to you; provided, however, InnoCentive shall reimburse you for reasonable out-of-pocket expenses incurred at the specific request of InnoCentive. Upon payment of the Award, or termination of the Exclusive Option Rights for any reason, there will be no further obligations between you and InnoCentive or the Seeker with respect to the Proposed Solution, the Work Product, or the InnoCentive Challenge, except for the limitations on use and disclosure described under \\"Confidentiality\\", below. 7. Payments. If a Seeker Accepts your Proposed Solution, the payment amount (called an \\"Award\\") specified in the InnoCentive Challenge posted on the Service by a Seeker (or, in the case of partial payments of Awards, a \\"Revised Award Amount\\", if applicable) shall be paid to you by InnoCentive within thirty(30) days after occurrence of each of the following: 1) you are notified by lnnoCentive of your Proposed Solution’s Acceptance, and 2) the completion of certain verification procedures by InnoCentive, and review and acceptance of such results by Seeker, and 3) InnoCentive’s receipt of Award payment from the Seeker. Payment of any Award is conditioned upon your cooperation with InnoCentive\'s verification procedures and due diligence checks conducted by Seeker under clause 5. The Award will be paid to you locally, in U.S. Dollars, or if required by your local law, in your local currency equivalent based on the foreign exchange rate in effect on the date of the disbursement by InnoCentive. InnoCentive is not responsible for payment of any Award, or any part of any Award, to any party other than to the Solver through whom the Proposed Solution was submitted to the Service. You understand that the Award represents a complete payment, net of any local taxes that InnoCentive may be required to withhold, for any Accepted Proposed Solution and that you are not entitled to any other compensation of any kind. If local law does not require withholding of taxes, all taxes on Awards shall be your sole responsibility. 8. Escrows. The transfers of Solution IP and the Award or any Revised Award Amount (as determined by Seeker) will be in escrow as follows: a. Your transfer of the Solution IP will be to InnoCentive as escrow agent for the Seeker. The Solution IP will be released from this escrow and transferred to the Seeker upon the occurrence of (a) the completion of InnoCentive\'s verification of you; (b) the Seeker\'s payment of the Award to InnoCentive; and (c) the Seeker\'s payment of any other fees of InnoCentive pursuant to the separate agreement between Seeker and InnoCentive. b. The Seeker\'s payment of the Award will be to InnoCentive as escrow agent for you. The Award will be released from this escrow and transferred to you as soon as payment is due to you. 9. Confidentiality. During the term of this Agreement and at all times thereafter, you shall not disclose to any third party nor use for any purpose other than for the performance of this Agreement, any Confidential Information (as defined below) without the express written consent of the owner of the Confidential Information. These confidentiality obligations shall not apply to Confidential Information which: (a) is in the public domain, or which was publicly known or available on the date you originally accepted this Agreement (\\"Effective Date\\"); or (b) after the Effective Date becomes available to the public in a manner not involving a breach of any duty under this Agreement. Nothing herein shall preclude the ultimate disclosure of any information required by law. \\"Confidential Information\\" includes: • All information set forth in the password protected areas of the Service (\\"Service Information\\"), (the presentation of Service Information via the Service shall not be deemed to be a public disclosure for purposes of this Agreement and shall not operate as an exclusion from Confidential Information); and • During any Exclusivity Period and after Acceptance and exercise of an Option relating to a InnoCentive Challenge, any Work Product or Proposed Solution relating to said InnoCentive Challenge. The same restrictions on disclosure and use of Confidential Information described in this Section shall apply to the use or disclosure by InnoCentive and Seekers of any Work Product or Proposed Solution during the Exclusivity Period and, if the Proposed Solution is not accepted, thereafter, unless the Proposed Solution or Work Product can be shown by business records of Seeker or InnoCentive to (1) have been known to them previously; (2) is independently created by personnel of Seeker or InnoCentive who had no access to the Proposed Solution or the Work Product; or (3) is subject to the exceptions to Confidentiality in (a) or (b) of this section; provided, however, notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing in this Solver Agreement shall prevent a Seeker from utilizing a winning Solution, for which an Award has been paid, to the extent that a winning Solution and any rejected Proposed Solution contain overlapping Work Product. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, you recognize that other persons may have provided Seeker or others, or made public, or may in the future submit, or make public, materials that are the same or similar to your Proposed Solution. You acknowledge and agree that Seeker shall have the right to use such same or similar materials, and that you will not be entitled to any compensation arising from Seeker\'s use of such materials. 10. Disclosure of Transfers of Value a. Seeker has made an ongoing commitment to transparency in its dealings with healthcare professionals and healthcare organisations worldwide; b. Seeker is required to publicly disclose transfers of value it makes to healthcare professionals and healthcare organisations under the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations Code on disclosures of transfer of value from pharmaceutical companies to healthcare professionals and healthcare organisations (“EFPIA Code”); c. A transfer of value for these purpose means the Award payment, and any expenses that may be incurred in connection with the grant of the Award which Seeker reimburses to you. d. The payments to be made by Seeker under this engagement are transfers of value that Seeker is required to publicly disclose under the EFPIA Code; e. Your name and contact details (other than email address) will be included in reports that Seeker will publish on publicly accessible websites, along with details of the transfers of value made, to meet Seeker’s transparency reporting obligations; f. Disclosures will be made on the basis of the most recent information Seeker has received from you. g. Seeker will publish details of all transfers of value made to you from 1 January 2016. Reports will be published annually on a publicly accessible website or another platform, such as a central platform provided by EFPIA and this publication will be maintained for at least 3 years. h. Prior to publication/disclosure, Seeker will provide you with a statement of the transfers of value it proposes to disclose against your name; i. You acknowledge and agree that these disclosures will be made. 11. ETHICAL STANDARDS AND HUMAN RIGHTS Unless otherwise required or prohibited by law, you warrant, to the best of your knowledge, that in relation to the Proposed Solution: • you do not employ engage or otherwise use any child labour in circumstances such that the tasks performed by any such child labour could reasonably be foreseen to cause either physical or emotional impairment to the development of such child; • you do not use forced labour in any form (prison, indentured, bonded or otherwise) and your employees are not required to lodge papers or deposits on starting work; • you provide a safe and healthy workplace, presenting no immediate hazards to your employees. Any housing provided by you to your employees is safe for habitation. You provide access to clean water, food, and emergency healthcare to your employees in the event of accidents or incidents at your workplace; • you do not discriminate against any employees on any ground (including race, religion, disability or gender); • you do not engage in or support the use of corporal punishment, mental, physical, sexual or verbal abuse and do not use cruel or abusive disciplinary practices in the workplace; • you pay each employee at least the minimum wage, or a fair representation of the prevailing industry wage, (whichever is the higher) and provide each employee with all legally mandated benefits; • you comply with the laws on working hours and employment rights in the countries in which you operate; • you are respectful of your employees’ right to join and form independent trade unions and freedom of association. You agree that you are responsible for controlling your own supply chain and that you shall encourage compliance with ethical standards and human rights by any subsequent supplier of goods and services that are used by you when performing your obligations in relation to the Proposed Solution. You shall ensure that you have ethical and human rights policies and an appropriate complaints procedure to deal with any breaches of such policies. Seeker reserves the right upon reasonable notice (unless inspection is for cause, in which case no notice shall be necessary) to enter your premises to monitor your compliance of the warranties set out above and you shall, subject to compliance with law, furnish Seeker with any relevant documents requested by Seeker in relation thereto. 12. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS AND ANTI-CORRUPTION • You shall comply fully at all times with all applicable laws and regulations, including but not limited to applicable anti-corruption laws, of the territory in which you conduct business with Seeker. • Where, in the course of working on the Proposed Solution, you will interact with third parties (other than your own sub-contractors) or will interact in any way with healthcare professionals or government officials (as defined in Annex 1), you hereby give the warranties and representations set out in, and shall comply with, the provisions of Annex 1. • Seeker shall be entitled to terminate your participation in a Challenge immediately if you fail to perform your obligations in accordance with this Clause and, where applicable, Annex 1. You shall have no claim against Seeker for compensation for any loss of whatever nature by virtue of the termination of your participation in the Challenge in accordance with this Schedule. To the extent (and only to the extent) that the laws of the territory provide for any such compensation to be paid to you upon the termination of your participation, you hereby expressly agree to waive (to the extent possible under the laws of the territory) or to repay to Seeker any such compensation or indemnity. 13 APPLICATION TO INDIVIDUALS. For the avoidance of doubt, Clauses 11 and 12 above apply to both individuals as well as companies. 14. General Conditions: InnoCentive and/or Seeker has the right to verify each Solver\'s eligibility and compliance with this CSA, and to eliminate any Solver, or terminate any Solver\'s registration on the basis of its investigation. Participation is conditioned on providing the data required on the online registration form. Personal data will be processed in accordance with InnoCentive\'s Privacy Policy which can be located athttp://www.innocentive.com/privacy.php. Solvers should direct any request to access, update, or correct information to InnoCentive. Neither InnoCentive nor Seeker is responsible for human error, theft, destruction, or damage to Proposed Solutions, or other factors beyond its reasonable control. Seeker reserves the immediate right to disqualify any Solver who, in InnoCentive\'s sole discretion: (i) is not in compliance with the Terms of Use or this CSA, (ii) tampers with the submission process, the Challenge, or the Website; or (iii) is acting in an uncooperative, unsportsmanlike, disruptive, abusive, or threatening manner. 15. Third Party Beneficiary. You and InnoCentive acknowledge and agree that any Seeker shall be a third- party beneficiary of this Agreement, and each shall have the right to assert and enforce the provisions of this Agreement directly on its own behalf. 16. Conflict. In the case of any conflict between the terms of this CSA and the Terms of Use, this CSA controls. # # # Annex 1 ANTI BRIBERY AND CORRUPTION REQUIREMENTS 1. You represent that you have not been convicted of or pleaded guilty to a criminal offence, including one involving fraud, corruption, or moral turpitude, that you are not now, to the best of your knowledge, the subject of any government investigation for such offenses, and that you are not now listed by any government agency as debarred, suspended, proposed for suspension or debarment, or otherwise ineligible for government programs. 2. You represent and warrant that, except as disclosed in writing: (1) you do not have any interest which directly or indirectly conflicts with your proper and ethical performance of activites in relation to participation in the Challenge and (2) you shall maintain arms length relations with all third parties (including government officials) with which you deal for or on behalf of Seeker, or in the performance of activities in relation to participation in the Challenge. 3. Seeker shall have the right to conduct an investigation and audit of your business to monitor compliance with the terms of this Annex. You shall cooperate fully with such investigation or audit, the scope, method, nature and duration of which shall be at the sole reasonable discretion of Seeker. 4. You shall ensure that all transactions in relation to participation in the Challenge are properly and accurately recorded in all material respects on your books and records and each document upon which entries such books and records are based is complete and accurate in all material respects. You must maintain a system of internal accounting controls reasonably designed to ensure that you maintain no off-the-books accounts. 5. You agree that Seeker may make full disclosure of information relating to a possible violation of these terms at any time and for any reason to any competent government bodies and its agencies, and to whomsoever Seeker determines in good faith has a legitimate need to know. PREVENTION OF CORRUPTION – THIRD PARTY GUIDELINES Seeker’s Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy requires compliance with the highest ethical standards and all anti-corruption laws applicable in the countries in which Seeker (whether through a third party or otherwise) conducts business. The policy requires all Seeker employees and any third party acting for or on behalf of Seeker to ensure that all dealings with third parties, both in the private and government sectors, are carried out in compliance with all relevant laws and regulations and with the standards of integrity required for all Seeker business. Seeker values integrity and transparency and has zero tolerance for corrupt activities of any kind, whether committed by Seeker employees, officers, or third-parties acting for or on behalf of the Seeker. Corrupt Payments – Seeker employees and any third party acting for or on behalf of Seeker, shall not, directly or indirectly, promise, authorise, ratify or offer to make or make any “payments” of “anything of value” (as defined in the glossary section) to any individual (or at the request of any individual) including a “government official” (as defined in the glossary section) for the improper purpose of influencing or inducing or as a reward for any act, omission or decision to secure an improper advantage or to improperly assist the company in obtaining or retaining business. Government Officials – Although Seeker´s policy prohibits payments by Seeker or third parties acting for or on its behalf to any individual, private or public, as a “quid pro quo” for business, due to the existence of specific anticorruption laws in the countries where we operate, this policy is particularly applicable to “payments” of “anything of value” (as defined in the glossary section), or at the request of, “government officials” (as defined in the glossary section). Facilitating Payments – For the avoidance of doubt, facilitating payments (otherwise known as “greasing payments” and defined as payments to an individual to secure or expedite the performance of a routine government action by government officials) are no exception to the general rule and therefore prohibited. You shall not contact, or otherwise meet with any Government Official with respect to any transactions required in relation to participation in the Challenge, without the prior written approval of Seeker and, when requested by Seeker, only in the presence of a Seeker designated representative. GLOSSARY The terms defined herein should be construed broadly to give effect to the letter and spirit of the ABAC Policy. Seeker is committed to the highest ethical standards of business dealings and any acts that create the appearance of promising, offering, giving or authorising payments prohibited by this policy will not be tolerated. Anything of Value: this term includes cash or cash equivalents, gifts, services, employment offers, loans, travel expenses, entertainment, political contributions, charitable donations, subsidies, per diem payments, sponsorships, honoraria or provision of any other asset, even if nominal in value. Payments: this term refers to and includes any direct or indirect offers to pay, promises to pay, authorisations of or payments of anything of value. Government Official shall mean: • Any officer or employee of a government or any department, agency or instrument of a government; • Any person acting in an official capacity for or on behalf of a government or any department, agency, or instrument of a government; • Any officer or employee of a company or business owned in whole or part by a government; • Any officer or employee of a public international organisation such as the World Bank or United Nations; • Any officer or employee of a political party or any person acting in an official capacity on behalf of a political party; and/or • Any candidate for political office

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