文献 标题: 1、New cancer immunotherapy shows promise in early tests 。 2、 Eat'em up: Next-generation therapeutic helps immune cells detect, destroy cancer 。 备注:先到先得,提供PDF原件电子档
文献标题及其他信息如下: 1、Prediction of lyophile collapse temperature by dielectric analysis. 2、Immunotherapy with bestatin for acute non-lymphocytic leukemia (ANLL) in adults 3、Results of follow-up studies on prognosis after immunotherapy with bestatin in acute nonlymphocytic leukemia 4、Comparison of theeffects of tolvaptan and furosemide on renal water and sodium excretion inpatients with heart failure and advanced chronic kidney disease: a subanalysisof the K-STAR study 5、Survival Benefit ofTolvaptan for Refractory Ascites in Patients with Advanced Cirrhosis 6、Protective Effectsof diuretics against development of cardiovascular disease in patients withchronic kidney disease: systematic review 备注:先到先得,提供PDF电子版
文献标题及相关内容如下 1、 The toxic effect of poly-L-ornithine in microbial and tissue culture systems。(Tex Rep Biol Med. 1962;20:93-104. PMID: 14494533) 备注:以后还有其他4篇的需求。投稿的同时请留下联系方式。
文献标题:Neoadjuvant Therapy Is Essential for Resectable Pancreatic Cancer 备注:需要中文翻译的PDF电子版,先到先得
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标题信息: 1、 Jian YIN, Xiao Bo YANG, Zai Xin CHEN, Yi Huan ZHANG.Total Synthesis of (-)-Tetrahydrolipstatin by the Tandem Mukaiyama-aldol Lactonization Chinese Chemical Letters Vol.16, No.11, pp 1448-1450, 2005 2.、Bidard, F. C. & Pierga, J. Y. Clinical utility of circulating tumor cells in metastatic breast cancer. J. Clin. Oncol. 33, 1622 (2015). 3、Schramm, A. et al. The DETECT Study Program: personalized treatment in advanced breast cancer based on circulating tumor cells (CTCs). ASCO Meet. Abstr. 33, TPS11109 (2015). 4、.Ignatiadis, M. et al. Abstract OT1-2-02: trastuzumab in HER2-negative early breast cancer as adjuvant treatment for circulating tumor cells (CTCs) (Treat CTC). Cancer Res. 75, OT1-2–02 (2015). 5、Pharmacokinetics, safety, and tolerability of a rapid infusion of i.v. ibuprofen in healthy adults. 备注:将符合标题的PDF上传,先到先得